Quick Fun |
Guess the Number!
Trivial Per Suits
Game Crazy |
What the Duck?
Short Bridge Puzzles
Bridge Word Puzzles |
Who Wants To Be a Duck Saver?
Swap ‘til You Drop
Four of a Kind
Novelty Puzzles |
Doubled in Spades
World Series of Bridge
High Stakes Rubber
Pay No Taxes! |
Venusian Victory
Unusual Hands
October Octillions |
Cat o' Nine Tales
Par Excellence
Deals of Infamy new
Fantasy Puzzles |
Worthless Venture
Toughest Beer in Bridge |
Little Deuce Coupe
Yarborough Fair |
Against Worst Defense
Game and Beer in Hand
Probability Puzzles |
A Finessing Curiosity
Cold Slam in Hand
Best Contract |
The Seven Percent Solution
Chances Are... |
Two Eight-Baggers
Parity Clarity
Inferential Puzzles |
What’s Trump?
Slam Conscious |
Only Game in Town
Optimum Contract
Deal Construction |
The Three Trick Gainer
The Law of Total Trash
Right-Sided Spades
Diamonds in Distress |
Ruff-day the 13th
Two Turtle Doves
Old Scoring Deja Vu
Notrump Ship Down |
Fewest HCP Notrump
The Twelve of Spades
Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
Valentine's Hat Trick
Deal Completion |
Top of Nothing
Reese's Pieces |
High Cards Amiss |
I Have a Dream...
Side Construction |
No Squeeze
Major Fantasy
Phantom Sacrifice
Lucky Sevens
One Foggy Christmas Eve
What’s on South?
Dead Man’s Deal
Wrong-Sided Notrump |
Blind Leading the Blind
Carding Accident
The Case of the Four Aces Queens Around
The Jackson Four
When in Doubt
Victory Celebration |
Just Another Zero
North by Northwest
Bridge with the Abbott
Board Thirteen Blues
The Mighty Deuce
Duck Season Opener
Right-Sided Club Slam
Ending Construction |
Deuces and Treys
Spot Card Jungle
The Bricks of Amenhotep
Heptagonal Swap Meet |
Sunset Swap
Seesaw Recall
Lilliputian Squeezes
Ever More |
The Nonagon
Trump Moves to Lilliput
The Ides of March Squeeze
Return from Lilliput
Suit Construction |
Fail Safe
Third Best Blues
Frozen |
Ready Freddy
Deuce Trey Exchange
Abracadabra, Ace Benign |
Diamond Stack
The Deep Six
Middle School Mania
Theatre of the Macabre |
Read My Lips!
Delusions of Grandeur
Magic Tricks |
Believe It or Not
One Trump Loser |
All But One in Spades new
Heartaches by the Number new
Puzzle Adventures |
Puzzlers Anonymous
Can You Solve a Mystery?
The “Great 88” Conspiracy |
Twelve Tricks Around
Chasing Rainbows |
Fewest HCP To Make Suit
Fewest HCP To Make Notrump
Play or Defend |
The Snowflake Squeeze
Slam in the Twilight Zone |
Crazy Eights
Slam Dunk |
The Oblivious Shift Principle
Challenging Makes |
A Ruff and a Sluff
Up For Promotion |
A Half-Dozen Hearts
Capture the Queen |
The Tell-Tale Double
A Tale of Two Tens
Mind Boggling Makes |
Tough Victim
The Old Insurance Play
Oversold Overcall
Valentine Magic
The Declarer Reversal
Duck Soup |
Lightner Misfire
Perilous Pinochle
Minor Endplays
Ace Grabber
Backward Finesse
Trump Handling |
Unblock Buster
Loser On a Loser
Diamond Dilemma
Tenuous Technique
Valuable Discard
Five-Level Hindsight
Mind Boggling Sets |
Fourth Best
Take Me To Your Leader |
A King’s Ransom
A Ditch in Time |
Trickless Triumph
Sure-Trick Problems |
Two-Way Finesses |
Watson’s Play of the Hand |