Puzzle 7F20 Main

Phantom Sacrifice

 by Richard Pavlicek

With only East-West vulnerable, North took the liberty to make a Michaels cue-bid (showing both major suits). This inspired South to jump directly to 4 H, as even if it failed, it should be a good sacrifice at favorable vulnerability.

S A 6 5 4 3WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH J 9 5 4 31 C2 C2 D4 H
D 3 2DblPassPassPass
C 2
Lead: C K 
S Q 10 7 2
H K 8 7 2
D 5 4
4 H× SouthC 5 4 3

After a club lead, declarer escaped for down three — minus 500 — which rated to be a pickup versus the East-West vulnerable game. Alas, the hand record revealed no game could be made. I will also tell you there were no void suits.

What are the East-West hands?

Puzzle 7F20 MainTop Phantom Sacrifice


The only possible East-West layout that satisfies the conditions is shown in the diagram. Note that 5 C is defeated with a trump lead; 5 D is defeated with the H K lead; and 3 NT is defeated with the S A lead (South must unblock the S 7).

4 H× SouthS A 6 5 4 3
down 3 -500H J 9 5 4 3
D 3 2
C 2
S K TableS J 9 8
H A 10 6H Q
D AD K Q J 10 9 8 7 6
C K Q J 10 9 8 7 6C A
S Q 10 7 2
H K 8 7 2
D 5 4
No game E-WC 5 4 3

As evidence that this is the only layout, consider that East-West must hold at least 11 top tricks (five in each minor plus the H A) so some kind of blocked position is required to defeat five of a minor. If West, instead, had S K H A-10-6 D A-K C Q-J-10-9-8-7-6, it would be easy to make 5 C (ruff a heart).

The spades must be divided exactly as shown, else East-West would have a stopper and be able to make 3 NT. Note that the S A lead, South unblocking the seven, allows the defense to run five tricks.

If the hearts were divided in any other way, 5 C could be made — either by a simple heart finesse; or if East has the H A, a side entry to the East hand would give the defenders an impossible task.

[Corrected 9-30-99. In the original puzzle I did not specify “no void suits” and Scott Cardell noted there were alternate solutions based on East having all nine diamonds. Thanks, Scott, for the eagle eye.]

Puzzle 7F20 MainTop Phantom Sacrifice

© 1994 Richard Pavlicek