Puzzles 7HA0 Main

One Trump Loser!

 by Richard Pavlicek

On each of these deals the contract is 6 S doubled, and West leads the D Q. Amazingly, each can be made, losing only one trump trick. Can you perform the magic?

Ruff day for a king

South dealsS Q 9 2WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH A K 5 42 S
D A K 3 2Pass2 NTPass3 C1
C K 2Pass4 NT2Pass5 H3
S A J 8 7TableSPass6 SPassPass
H 8 7 6H Q J 10 9DblAll Pass
D Q J 10 9D 8 7 6
C 10 9C Q J 8 7 6 51. feature
S K 10 6 5 4 32. Roman key-card Blackwood
H 3 23. 2 key cards (no S Q)
Lead: D QD 5 4
6 S× SouthC A 4 3

West appears to have two natural trump tricks, but a little magic might cure that.

Puzzles 7HA0 MainTop One Trump Loser!

Six trumps against you

For the next slam you may need some tranquilizer darts:

South dealsS K 10 2WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH 3 21 H
D A K 3 22 NTDbl3 C3 S?
C A K 3 2Pass4 NTPass5 H
STableS Q J 8 6 4 3Pass6 SDblAll Pass
H 9 8 7H Q J 10
D Q J 10 9 8D 7 6
C Q J 10 9 8C 7 6
S A 9 7 5
H A K 6 5 4
Lead: D QD 5 4
6 S× SouthC 5 4

Seeing East’s trumps might make you ill, but they can be neutralized. Do you see how?

Puzzles 7HA0 MainTop One Trump Loser!

Vanishing act

Your final test pits you against an escapee from the asylum:

East dealsS K 2WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH A K 22 H12 S
D A K 3 2Pass3 HDbl23 S
C 8 7 6 5Pass6 SDbl3Pass
S J 8 7 6TableS APassPass
H J 10 9H 8 7 6 5 4 3
D Q J 10D 9 8 71. lunatic on the loose
C J 10 9C 4 3 22. removing any doubt
S Q 10 9 5 4 33. lead-directing
Lead: D QD 6 5 4
6 S× SouthC A K Q

It looks impossible to stop West from making his S J, but that’s an illusion. Harry Houdini would find a way.

Puzzles 7HA0 Main


Top One Trump Loser!

Ruff day for a king

Win the D A-K and ruff a diamond; win the H A-K and ruff a heart; win the C A-K and ruff the last diamond. This reduces West to all trumps with South on lead.

Lead a club; West ruffs with the S 7 and North overruffs with the nine. Finally, lead the last heart and ruff with the S K. If West overruffs with the ace, he will be endplayed in trumps; if he underruffs, he is left with S A-J in front of the queen.

Six trumps against you

Cash all your side winners and ruff a heart with the S 2, leaving with East with all trumps. Lead a minor suit and overruff as cheaply as possible. Say, East ruffs with the jack and you win the ace. Ruff a heart with the S K forcing East to underruff. Lead a minor suit to overruff again (if East ruffs with the queen, discard your last heart). Finally, ruff your last heart with the S 10 and watch East squirm.

Vanishing act

Win the D A and cash the H A-K (ignore the H Q) to ditch a diamond; ruff a heart; win the D K; ruff a diamond and cash three clubs. This leaves West with all trumps.

Duck a spade to East’s blank ace. On the forced heart return play the S 9 and West’s jack is smothered. If he overruffs, you will overruff with the king. If he underruffs, you will discard from dummy.

Amazingly, the Lunatic’s “lead-directing” double of 6 S was on the mark, as an original trump lead would defeat the slam.

Keep practicing your magic! With a little more experience you’ll know enough to redouble!

Puzzles 7HA0 MainTop One Trump Loser!

© 1998 Richard Pavlicek