Puzzle 7F19 Main

Take Me To Your Leader!

 by Richard Pavlicek

North’s raise to 5 C is justified, but South’s final bid seems to be from outer space. The wild stab at 7 C appears destined to fail. Even assuming declarer drops West’s singleton C K, there are only 12 tricks. A diamond loser seems inevitable.

But wait! If West leads a low spade, he gives declarer an extra trick. The same is true of a low heart or a low diamond. Further, declarer might be able to develop a squeeze if West finds a safe lead.

South dealsS JWestNorthEastSouth
None vulH Q1 C
D K 10 6 41 S5 CPass7 C?
C Q J 10 9 8 7 6PassPassPass
S Q 9 8 6 4 2TableS 10 7 3
H K 10 6H J 9 7 3 2
D Q 9 2D J 7 3
C KC 3 2
S A K 5
H A 8 5 4
D A 8 5
7 C SouthC A 5 4

Against this extraterrestrial contract I say, “Take me to your leader!” What is the only card in West’s hand that will defeat 7 C against any play by declarer?

Puzzle 7F19 MainTop Take Me To Your Leader!


First let’s see how declarer is able to make his contract on a squeeze. Suppose West leads the C K (declarer will drop it anyway). Win the C A and lead two more rounds of trumps (optional).

7 C SouthS JTrickLead2nd3rd4th
H Q1. WC K?62A
D K 10 6 42. SC 4S 2Q3
C Q J 10 9 8 7 63. NC JH 25S 4
S Q 9 8 6 4 2 TableS 10 7 34. NH Q3A6
H K 10 6H J 9 7 3 25. SH 410C 77
D Q 9 2D J 7 36. NS J3A6
C KC 3 27. SS K8D 47
S A K 58. SH 5KC 89
H A 8 5 4continued below…
D A 8 5
C A 5 4

Next lead the H Q to the ace and ruff a heart; lead the S J to the ace, cash the S K and ruff another heart to reach the ending below:

C win allSTrickLead2nd3rd4th
H9. NC 10D 3D 5S 9
D K 10 610. NC 9?
C 10 9Declarer succeeds
S Q 9 TableS 10
D Q 9 2D J 7 3
S 5
H 8
D A 8 5
North leadsC

The C 10 lead from dummy puts East under pressure. A heart discard loses immediately, so assume East lets go his spade; South throws a diamond, and West throws a spade. Now the C 9 effects a double squeeze: East must pitch a diamond; South throws his now useless heart, then West is squeezed.

Variation: If East keeps the S 10 and lets go a diamond, the next club squeezes him again. If he throws a spade, West is squeezed in spades and diamonds; if he throws another diamond, the D A drops his jack and West can be finessed.

Can any lead prevent this?

Yes. First thoughts might turn to the S Q (crushing the jack) or the H K (crushing the queen) but these are red herrings that do nothing to prevent the squeeze.

The squeeze position requires a twin entry in diamonds, which West can erase by leading that suit; but which diamond? A low diamond is obviously disastrous; dummy plays low and declarer can pick up the entire suit. What about the queen? Better, but still failing; declarer can win the D K, ruff hearts twice as before, then squeeze East in the red suits.

The only lead to defeat 7 C is the diamond nine. This delicately holds the diamond position, and declarer cannot benefit. Try it.

Puzzle 7F19 MainTop Take Me To Your Leader!

© 1994 Richard Pavlicek