Puzzle 7F14 Main

The Snowflake Squeeze

 by Richard Pavlicek

Like the classic snowflake design, this deal is symmetrical. As South, imagine that you are declarer in 3 NT, the obvious contract with 28 combined HCP, no eight-card fit and two flat hands. Also apparent is that no suit breaks evenly, as the enemy hands are symmetrically lopsided.

North dealsS K 3 2WestNorthEastSouth
H A 6 5 41 CPass2 NT
D K 3 2Pass3 NTPassPass
C A 5 4Pass
S Q J 10 9TableS 8 7
H 8 7H Q J 10 9
D Q J 10 9 8D 7 6
C 7 6C Q J 10 9 8
S A 6 5 4
H K 3 2
D A 5 4
3 NT SouthC K 3 2

The question is: Who wins? With best play all-around (West can lead what he wants) can declarer win a ninth trick? Or can the defense always prevent it?

A ninth trick could materialize in only one way, so the question could also be stated: Can declarer develop a successful squeeze against any defense?

Puzzle 7F14 MainTop The Snowflake Squeeze


Declarer wins!

Suppose West leads a diamond. Curiously, this must be won by the king in dummy. A spade is ducked, and West does best to switch to a club, which must be won by the king in hand. Win the S K (optional) then duck a heart to East.

3 NT SouthS K 3 2TrickLead2nd3rd4th
H A 6 5 41. WD QK!64
D K 3 22. NS 2749
C A 5 43. WC 74!8K!
S Q J 10 9 TableS 8 74. SS 510K8
H 8 7H Q J 10 95. NH 4927
D Q J 10 9 8D 7 6continued below…
C 7 6C Q J 10 9 8
S A 6 5 4
H K 3 2
D A 5 4
C K 3 2

East now has the privilege to decide which defender will be squeezed:

NT win 6/8S 3TrickLead2nd3rd4th
H A 6 56. EH QK85
D 3 27. SD A827
C A 58. SH 3D 9A10
S Q J TableS9. NH 6JC 2C 6
H 8H Q J 1010. EC Q3D 105!
D J 10 9 8D 711. EC JD 5?
C 6C Q J 10 9West is squeezed
S A 6
H K 3
D A 5
East leadsC 3 2

If East leads a red suit, win the H K, D A, H A, lose a heart, and duck the club return. The next club squeezes West in the pointed suits.

If East instead leads a club in the 8-card ending, win the C A, H K, S A, lose a spade, and duck the diamond return. The next diamond squeezes East in the rounded suits. Note that in either case the squeeze card is led by a defender and won by dummy or declarer after the victim is squeezed.


If West leads anything but a club at Trick 3, win the D A, H K and S K (in any order) then duck a heart to East. With West isolated, it is easy to duck another heart and club to squeeze West.

What about a different opening lead? If West leads a spade, declarer ducks, then the play follows one of the preceding lines, except declarer cashes the D K on his own. If West leads a club or a heart, the play, like the deal, is symmetrical — just swap West with East, spades with hearts, and diamonds with clubs.

Curiosity: If either of the defenders’ minor-suit holdings is altered in any way (e.g., Q-J-10-9-7 opp. 8-6) the defense can always prevail. (Major-suit holdings are irrelevant.)

Puzzle 7F14 MainTop The Snowflake Squeeze

© 1981 Richard Pavlicek