Puzzle 7F39 Main

Unblock Buster

 by Richard Pavlicek

Partner’s 6 C bid was right on the money — but no-o-o-o. You had to be a matchpoint pig and correct to 6 NT. One thing’s for sure: You will never hear the end of this if you go down. Either make 6 NT against any defense, or incur partner’s wrath forever.

North dealsSWestNorthEastSouth
None vulH A 10 9 41 DPass1 S
D A K 9 5 4Pass2 HPass3 C
C A J 10 9Pass6 CPass6 NT
S 4 3 2TableS Q J 10 9 8 7PassPassPass
H K Q 6 5H 8 7
D Q 10 2D 8 7 6
C 5 4 3C Q 2
S A K 6 5
H J 3 2
Lead: H KD J 3
6 NT SouthC K 8 7 6

West leads the H K, which enables 11 easy tricks: two spades, three hearts, two diamonds and four clubs. The lucky diamond lie will provide another — actually three more if you could use them — if you could reach your hand twice to finesse, but that’s the problem. You have only one entry with the C K, so somehow you must elicit the opponents’ help.

How can 6 NT be made?

Puzzle 7F39 MainTop Unblock Buster


You must win the H A, else a club shift would be fatal. Suppose you continue with the H 10, hoping to create a heart entry to hand. West will duck. East will also defend shrewdly by unblocking the C Q on the first round, lest he be endplayed with that card as a stepping-stone to your hand. Opponents can see all four hands too!

The only winning line is to lead the C A at Trick 2, forcing East to commit.

6 NT SouthSTrickLead2nd3rd4th
H A 10 9 41. WH KA72
D A K 9 5 42. NC A!Q!63
C A J 10 93. NC J274
S 4 3 2 TableS Q J 10 9 8 7continued below…
H K Q 6 5H 8 7
D Q 10 2D 8 7 6
C 5 4 3C Q 2
S A K 6 5
H J 3 2
D J 3
C K 8 7 6

If East unblocks the C Q, cash the C J to reach this position:

NT win 9STrickLead2nd3rd4th
H 10 9 44. NH 4!83!5
D A K 9 5 45. ES QK2H 9
C 10 96. SD JQK6
S 4 3 2 TableS Q J 10 9 8 77. NC 9S 7K5
H Q 6 5H 88. SS A3C 108
D Q 10 2D 8 7 69. SC 8H 6H 10S 9
C 5C10. SD 3297
S A K 6 5Declarer succeeds
H J 3
D J 3
North leadsC K 8

Next lead the H 4 and play the three from hand. Unblock that! If West wins the trick, you will have the H J entry to hand. If East wins the H 8, he is forced to put you in hand with a spade (else assist with a diamond lead) and you can easily win the rest. The North hand will be high, as the two remaining hearts go away on your top spades.

Variation: If East fails to unblock the C Q, next lead the H 10 to force West to duck. Then sacrifice a club trick to stuff East on lead.

Trap: If East keeps the C Q and you win a second club with your king, you will fail. If you finesse diamonds once and then try the heart-duck endplay, East will return a diamond to lock you in dummy.

I guess this proves that you knew how to bid all along — on your own planet.

Puzzle 7F39 MainTop Unblock Buster

© 1996 Richard Pavlicek