Puzzle 7F27   Main

Perilous Pinochle

  by Richard Pavlicek

West’s unusual 2 NT bid (takeout for the unbid suits) may have propelled North-South into this precarious slam. North bid aggressively because the heart finesse rated to work, however this may have been short-sighted. An offsetting factor was the likelihood of bad breaks, which suggests caution.

6 S South
N-S Vul
S 10 9 8 2
D A K Q 6
C K 7 6

2 NT
All Pass
1 D
4 S
5 H
1 S
5 C
6 S
H K 10 9 8 7 6
D 7
C Q J 10 9 8
TableS Q 7 6 5
H 3 2
D J 10 9 8
C 5 4 3
Lead: C Q S A K 4 3
H J 5 4
D 5 4 3 2
C A 2

There you are! With the heart finesse on, you have 11 easy tricks by playing trumps correctly (ace then finesse). Your 12th trick might come from a ruff or perhaps a squeeze.

Assuming best defense, can you make 6 S? The good news is that you can see all four hands.


The opening club lead foils any squeeze against West. Declarer must give up a trick to rectify the count, then another club lead will destroy the critical club entry.

Negotiating a successful ruff is not easy either. If declarer tries to ruff a heart in dummy, he will be overruffed. If he ruffs a club in his hand, he cannot pick up East’s S Q by finessing. Or can he?

The contract can be made with a loser-on-loser smother play.

6 S SouthS 10 9 8 2TrickLead2nd3rd4th
H A Q1 WC Q63A
D A K Q 62 SS AJ25
C K 7 63 SH 46Q2
S JTableS Q 7 6 54 NS 1063H 7
H K 10 9 8 7 6H 3 25 NH A358
D 7D J 10 9 86 NC K428
C Q J 10 9 8C 5 4 37 ND A827
S A K 4 38 ND K93H 9
H J 5 49 ND Q104C 9
D 5 4 3 210 NC 75S 410
Lead: C QC A 2continued below…

Win the C A, cash the S A and finesse the H Q. Run the S 10, which East must duck, else you can ruff a club for a 12th trick. Next cash all of North’s winners, and ruff a club in your hand to reach this ending:

S win 2S 9 8TrickLead2nd3rd4th
H11 SH JKD 6!D J
D 6Win the rest
STableS Q 7
H K 10H
D 5
South leadsC

Lead the H J to West’s king and discard the diamond from dummy. East cannot gain by ruffing his partner’s trick, so he discards the D J. The forced heart or club return is ruffed in dummy, and the S Q is hopelessly trapped. If East overruffs, South does also; if East underruffs, South discards.

East hoped to win a trick with both the D J and S Q — a “pinochle” if you know the game. Alas, he had to throw the D J on partner’s heart, then watch his S Q disappear as well.

Puzzle 7F27   MainTop   Perilous Pinochle

© 1993 Richard Pavlicek