Main RPHU Index

Bridge Humor

 by Richard Pavlicek

Some people say I have a screw loose, or that my elevator doesn’t stop at every floor — but they’re all liars. I’m as sane as the next guy. Ask anyone in my ward! They all want me as their leader when we break out of here. Meanwhile, gather ‘round for some bridge stories.
True Stories (trust me)
Mabel Before Christmas
Here I Come To Make the Play!
Aces Are Meant To Take Kings
Do It with Finesse
Ancient Roman History
The Un-Finesse
Slick Willy
Valentine’s Finesse
The First Round Duck
Intergalactic Bridge
The Acronymphomaniacs
Reindeer Antics
Rudolph Wins Again
Hooves and Antlers Gouge Tourney
Slam Bid Hospitalizes Eskimo
North Pole Hotel Demolished
Should Reindeer Be Banned?
Reindeer Group Denounces Writer
Rudolph Opens 1 NT with a Void
Rudolph’s Throw-in Play
Rudolph’s Revenge
Hooves Produce Great Feat
Reindeer Invade OKbridge
Reindeer Games
Humorous Columns
The One That Got Away
The World’s Worst Bridge Player
Opening Lead Gives a Ruff Time
He Trumped His Partner’s Ace!
Discovery Reveals Origin of Bridge
Dog Days with My Uncle Phil
Mystery of Pyramids Finally Solved
Bridge Book Draws Global Dissent
Bizarre Auction Is Bridge Nightmare
An Overbidder’s Dream
The Guardian Angel
Bridge Jokes
Bridge for Morons
Bridge Teaching Made Easy
The Rest Are Mine!
The Mother and the Orphans
PavCo Bridge Poll
Cell Phone Plants
Wee Bridge Books
Felipe’s Moon Duck
The Toaster Notebook
Car Pool Mannequins
Pocket Slice-O-Matic
Y2K and You
The Devil’s Product new

Main RPHU IndexTop Bridge Humor

© 2024 Richard Pavlicek