Almost Bridge 7F74 Main

Reindeer Games

 by Richard Pavlicek

Rudolph (the reindeer of course) was right in the middle of a bridge hand when Santa pulled up in his sleigh. It was the big night, and Rudolph’s game was running longer than expected.

“Come on, Rudolph!” yelled Santa, “We’ve got no time to waste!”

“Okay, fatso,” retorted the famous reindeer, “as soon as I finish this rubber.”

Rudolph (South) and his partner Randolph were playing for high stakes against their reindeer friends, Raymond (West) and Ronald (East). Rudolph was declarer in 4 S, which would end the rubber if successful. Having lost two tricks already, Rudolph needed to win three of the last four tricks in this ending:

S win 3S K 6 5
S 7TableS Q 9 8
H 8 7H
S J 10
H 9 2
Whose lead?C

One minute later the rubber was over, and Rudolph was soaring off into the night, guiding Santa’s way with his bright red nose.

Which reindeer was on lead in the ending? How did Rudolph succeed?


Ronald (East) must have been on lead, as this is the only way Rudolph could win three of the last four tricks against best defense. But even then, the solution is not obvious.

S win 3/4S K 6 5TrickLead2nd3rd4th
H1. ED KS 10H 7S 5!
D2. SH 28S KS 8
C Q3. NC Q?
S 7 TableS Q 9 8Win 1 more trick
H 8 7H
S J 10
H 9 2
East leadsC

Ronald does best to lead the D K, which Rudolph must ruff in both hands. That’s right! He must ruff with the S 10 and underruff in dummy. Next a heart is ruffed with dummy’s spade king, and the carefully preserved club is led to allow Rudolph to elope with his last trump: If East ruffs, South discards; if East discards, South ruffs.

Did you find this play? If not, you won’t be invited to play in any more reindeer games.

Almost Bridge 7F74 MainTop Reindeer Games

© 1992 Richard Pavlicek