Import 9F64 Main

Shaky Trump Fit

 by Frank Stewart

Los Angeles Times — November 26, 1999

Florida expert Richard Pavlicek showed how to handle a shaky 4-3 fit at the ACBL Summer Championships. (These are known as Moysian fits; Sonny Moyse, a “Bridge World” magazine editor, passionately believed seven trumps are plenty.)

North dealsS Q 10 7WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH A K 5 41 C1 D1 S
D Q 7 22 D2 SPass4 S
C K 8 4PassPassPass
S 9 6 2TableS A 8 5
H J 9 6 3H 10 8 7 2
D K J 9D A 10 8 6 5
C 9 7 2C 5
S K J 4 3
Lead: D KD 4 3
4 S SouthC A Q J 10 6 3

The defense began with three rounds of diamonds, forcing Pavlicek to ruff. He led a trump to the queen and returned a trump to his king. If East takes the ace, Pavlicek can win any return, draw trumps and run the clubs; but East defended well by ducking twice.

If South led another trump, East would win and cash diamonds. So South started the clubs; and luckily, West, with the last low trump, had to follow suit three times. East discarded since to ruff wouldn’t help him.

Pavlicek then led a fourth club. West ruffed (as good a defense as any); Pavlicek overruffed in dummy (East discarded) and led a heart to his queen to continue clubs. When East ruffed with the ace of trumps, Pavlicek claimed with his last trump and remaining club. Well done!

Import 9F64 MainTop Shaky Trump Fit

© 1999 Frank Stewart