Challenge 8Y09  MainAnalyses

Who’s On Lead?

Scores by Richard Pavlicek

Abbott and Costello meet RP Bridge
Lou: Who’s on lead?Bud: Yes!
No, I mean the player.Who!
The guy on lead.Who is the player’s name.
Don’t ask me! What’s his name? No! What is declarer. Who is on lead.
No idea!Sorry, he’s dummy.
Who is dummy?No! Who’s on lead. No Idea is dummy.
You got a Director?Of course, Why!
How the hell should I know![giving up bridge]

Apologies to Lou Costello and Bud Abbott, but “who’s on lead” is often the key to winning defense.

Test yourself on these six problems. As East, decide how you would signal on partner’s opening lead, or if you would overtake and lead next. In each case your side wins the first trick. South’s play is shown, though you wouldn’t know this until after your first play.

Choose your defense from Options A-F, which will be rated on a 1-to-10 scale per my judgment.

Bidding is standard (unless noted), and you use standard leads and signals.
For a reference see Standard American Bridge. Assume all players are experts.

In February 2007 these problems were presented as a contest with 1091 entrants from 121 locations. The contest is closed, but you can still quiz yourself and find your score immediately. If you’re lucky, you might even win a valuable prize.*

*Top 10 scorers will be given prominent roles in an Abbott & Costello remake. Winners must be at least 18 years of age.
Employees of PavCo Films are ineligible. Offer void where prohibited by law or north of the Antarctic Circle.

Before you begin, let me remind you of the most important decision on defense: Who’s on lead? Yes!

Problem 1

IMPsS Q J 3WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH J 9 4 2WhoNo IdeaYouWhat
D 5 41 S
C K Q 5 3Pass2 SPass3 S
TableS 6 4Pass4 SPassPass
Lead: D QH Q 7 5Pass
D K 10 7 3
4 S SouthC J 10 9 6

1. WD Q4?2

Your defense?

A. Overtake, lead S 4
B. Overtake, lead H 5
C. Overtake, lead D 3
D. Overtake, lead C J
E.  Play the D 7
F.  Play the D 3

Problem 2

IMPsS K 10 4WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH K J 9 7WhoNo IdeaYouWhat
D K 9 7 61 C1 H
C J 5Pass3 C1Dbl3 H
TableS Q 9 3PassPassPass
Lead: C QH 2
D A Q 41. 4-card limit raise
3 H SouthC A K 10 8 6 4

1. WC Q5?3

Your defense?

A. Overtake, lead S 3
B. Overtake, lead H 2
C. Overtake, win C A
D. Play the C 10
E.  Play the C 8
F.  Play the C 4

Problem 3

IMPsS 8 4WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH Q 5 3WhoNo IdeaYouWhat
D 10 4 22 S2 NT
C A K 10 5 2Pass3 NTPassPass
TableS A Q 10 7 6 2Pass
Lead: S JH 8 7
D J 7
3 NT SouthC J 8 3

1. WS J4?5

Your defense?

A. Overtake, win S A
B. Overtake, lead S 10
C. Overtake, lead H 8
D. Overtake, lead D J
E.  Play the S 7
F.  Play the S 2

Problem 4

IMPsS K Q 9 4WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH K 8 6 2WhoNo IdeaYouWhat
D A 8 51 DPass1 S
C 10 4Pass2 SPass4 S
TableS 7 6PassPassPass
Lead: H JH A Q 9
D Q 9 7 4
4 S SouthC K J 9 3

1. WH J2?4

Your defense?

A. Overtake, lead S 6
B. Overtake, lead D Q
C. Overtake, lead D 9
D. Overtake, lead D 4
E.  Overtake, lead C J
F.  Play the H 9

Problem 5

IMPsS A K 5 3WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH A 9 3WhoNo IdeaYouWhat
D 10 51 C
C J 7 3 2Pass1 SPass1 NT
TableS 9 8 7Pass3 NTPassPass
Lead: H QH K 10 2Pass
D Q 9 7 4
3 NT SouthC Q 10 9

1. WH Q3?6

Your defense?

A. Overtake, lead S 9
B. Overtake, lead H 10
C. Overtake, lead D Q
D. Overtake, lead D 4
E.  Play the H 10
F.  Play the H 2

Problem 6

IMPsS 10 9 3WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH J 6 5WhoNo IdeaYouWhat
D A 8 6 21 D1 H1 S
C A K 63 H1PassPass4 NT
TableS 7 5Pass5 HDbl6 S
Lead: H 10H A K Q 7 3PassPassPass
D J 10 3
6 S SouthC Q 9 41. weak

1. WH 105?4

Your defense?

A. Overtake, lead S 5
B. Overtake, lead H K
C. Overtake, lead D J
D. Overtake, lead C 4
E.  Play the H 7
F.  Play the H 3

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Challenge 8Y09 MainAnalysesScoresTop Who’s On Lead?

Acknowledgments to Bud Abbott (1897-1974), Lou Costello (1906-59) and “Who’s On First?”
© 2007 Richard Pavlicek