As the Wicked Witch of the West, you are the opening leader and must decide witch card to lead against these 10 contracts from major events. Be careful, and keep an eye of newt handy to toss into the cauldron, else it could be you.
Choose your opening leads then click Score Me to see how you did. If you finish plus IMPs after 10 boards, its lucky you, as everyone else will be invited for stew! At the end you can view the actual deals and see how two experts led differently in each case.
Brad Moss led the 9 (down 1) +100. Bart Bramley led the A (made 1) -90.
Note: Choices for this quiz assume standard leads, so the 10 and K were substituted for the 9 and A above.
Michael Seamon led the 2 (down 1) +100. Zia Mahmood led the 3 (made 2) -120.
Jim Krekorian led the 9 (down 3) +300. Thomas Smith led the 3 (made 3) -620.
Grant Baze led the 7 (down 1) +50. Paul Soloway led the 4 (made 3) -400.
Roger Bates led the 10 (down 2) +200. Gary Cohler led the 2 (made 3) -600.
Jiang Gu led the C3 (down 1) +50. Andrey Gromov led the Q (made 2) -90.
Boguslaw Gierulski led the 9 (down 1) +50. Rose Meltzer led the 5 (made 4) -420.
Jeff Meckstroth led the 7 (down 1) +50. Howard Weinstein led the 7 (made 4) +430.
Zia Mahmood led the 3 (down 4) +200. Steve Weinstein led the 7 (down 3) +150.
Bobby Levin led the Q (down 2) +100. Jim Mahaffey led the 7 (made 1) -90.
Results are from actual play, so the winning leads are not necessarily correct in theory.
Congratulations! You made it to the end. Only question is whether youre through, or sticking around for a pot of stew. Hmm Let me add those scores again.
© 2012 Richard Pavlicek