The player on lead. What is his name? No, What is declarer. Oh, never mind! This time instead of Who it will be you on lead against these 10 contracts from major events.
Choose your opening leads then click Score Me to see how you did. If you finish plus IMPs after 10 boards, you win! If you end up minus, Who wins. At the end you can view the actual deals and see how two experts led differently in each case.
Paul Soloway led the 2 (down 1) +100. Michael Whitman led the 3 (made 1) -90.
Note: Choices for this quiz assume standard leads, so the 10 was substituted for Soloways 2. In theory its a close call, but my tests in Leading Authority show the 10 superior, not that it matters here.
Tor Helness led the 6 (down 1) +50. Ricardo Janz led the J (made 3) -110.
Howard Weinstein led the K (down 1) +100. Gunnar Hallberg led the 10 (made 3) -140.
Adam Zmudzinski led the A (down 3) +150. Howard Weinstein led the 3 (made 3) -400.
Adalsteinn Jorgensen led the 7 (down 1) +50. Weimin Wang led the Q (made 3) -110.
Zia Mahmood led the A (down 2) +100. Eric Greco led the 5 (made 5) -400.
Bravo Zia! With no idea what to lead, get a free look at dummy first.
David Berkowitz led the 3 (down 1) +50. Richard Freeman led the A (made 1) -90.
Alfredo Versace led the Q (made 3) -110. Nick Nickell led the 5 (made 6) -170.
Kalin Karaivanov led the 4 (made 3) -600. Glenn Groetheim led the 3 (made 5) -660.
David Berkowitz led the 8 (down 2) +100. Ron Rubin led the A (made 1) -90.
Results are from actual play, so the winning leads are not necessarily correct in theory.
Well, did you end up on the plus side? If so, you win! If not, Who wins! If youre clueless and say, I dont know, Third place!
Credits to Bud Abbott, Lou Costello and Whos On First?© 2009 Richard Pavlicek