Stats 8H14 Main

Balanced 28-30 opp. Major

 by Richard Pavlicek

Statistics for 10,485,760 Deals


Most table cells show five values in order: Min-Max Mode Median Mean.
Mean is rounded to four places, except theoretical cell tinted green is exact.
Red tinted cell shows highest mean value in its row; blue shows lowest.


Hand freakness0-16 1 3 2.96630-16 1 3 2.96600-2 1 1 1.01052-13 4 4 3.96080-20 1 3 2.9829
Generic pattern0-35 1 3 4.09110-35 1 3 4.09050-2 1 1 1.01052-30 2 5 5.38800-38 1 3 4.1404
Controls A=2 K=10-5 0 0 0.55630-5 0 0 0.55606-12 10 10 10.32370-5 0 0 0.56400-12 3 3 3.0000
High-card points0-12 3 4 3.84860-12 3 4 3.846728-30 28 28 28.42300-12 3 4 3.88170-37 10 10 10.0000
Total points0-18 5 5 5.19740-16 5 5 5.195328-32 30 30 29.84551-17 5 5 5.58350-38 11 11 11.3682
Playing half-tricks2-21 6 7 7.15932-21 6 7 7.158017-24 21 21 20.62854-21 8 8 7.98472-26 10 11 10.7371
Quick half-tricks0-6 0 0 0.59970-6 0 0 0.599210-16 14 14 13.80610-6 0 0 0.62350-16 2 3 3.5563
Losing trick count2-12 10 9 9.35392-12 10 9 9.35481-5 3 3 2.88852-11 9 9 8.96050-12 8 8 7.5566
Long suit length4-11 5 5 4.89664-11 5 5 4.89674-5 4 4 4.27995-8 5 5 5.25304-13 5 5 4.9008
Short suit length0-3 2 2 1.70300-3 2 2 1.70312-3 2 2 2.26940-2 2 2 1.43750-3 2 2 1.6977
Suit controls0-22 3 3 3.81750-21 3 3 3.816016-26 23 23 23.09611-23 4 4 4.43700-28 9 9 8.9418
Suit guards0-8 4 4 3.59280-8 4 4 3.59186-8 8 8 7.97961-8 4 4 3.66650-8 6 5 5.1750

Suit controls (AKQ and/or shortness): 1st round=4, 2nd=2, 3rd=1
Suit guards (for notrump): stopper=2, half stopper=1

Stats 8H14 MainTop Balanced 28-30 opp. Major


Voids0-2 0 0 0.04820-2 0 0 0.048200-2 0 0 0.07420-3 0 0 0.0512
Singletons0-3 0 0 0.31920-3 0 0 0.318900-2 0 0 0.43220-3 0 0 0.3202
Doubletons0-3 1 1 0.82890-3 1 1 0.82940-1 1 1 0.73060-2 1 1 0.92560-3 1 1 0.8235
Tripletons0-3 1 1 1.14490-3 1 1 1.14481-3 1 2 1.81870-2 0 1 0.94140-3 1 1 1.1453
4 card suits0-3 1 1 0.95250-3 1 1 0.95250-2 2 1 1.17080-2 0 0 0.49530-3 1 1 0.9544
5 card suits0-2 0 0 0.50170-2 0 0 0.50160-1 0 0 0.27990-2 1 1 0.87820-2 0 0 0.4988
6 card suits0-2 0 0 0.16670-2 0 0 0.166800-2 0 0 0.25190-2 0 0 0.1663
7 card suits0-1 0 0 0.03370-1 0 0 0.033700-1 0 0 0.00120-1 0 0 0.0353
8 card suits0-1 0 0 0.00390-1 0 0 0.003900-1 0 0 0.00000-1 0 0 0.0047
9 card suits0-1 0 0 0.00020-1 0 0 0.0002000-1 0 0 0.0004
10 card suits0-1 0 0 0.00000-1 0 0 0.0000000-1 0 0 0.0000
11 card suits0-1 0 0 0.00000-1 0 0 0.0000000-1 0 0 0.0000
12 card suits00000-1 0 0 0.0000
13 card suits00000-1 0 0 0.0000

0 = nonexistent; 0.0000 = exists but nearest 10,000th rounds to zero.

Stats 8H14 MainTop Balanced 28-30 opp. Major


Rank NorthSouthWestEastTheoretical
Ace0-2 0 0 0.11250-2 0 0 0.11251-4 4 4 3.66080-2 0 0 0.11420-4 1 1 1.0000
King0-3 0 0 0.33120-3 0 0 0.33100-4 3 3 3.00210-3 0 0 0.33560-4 1 1 1.0000
Queen0-4 0 1 0.69720-4 0 1 0.69660-4 2 2 1.90340-4 0 1 0.70270-4 1 1 1.0000
Jack0-4 1 1 1.01030-4 1 1 1.01060-4 1 1 0.96650-4 1 1 1.01260-4 1 1 1.0000
Ten0-4 1 1 1.20550-4 1 1 1.20540-4 0 0 0.38510-4 1 1 1.20390-4 1 1 1.0000
Nine0-4 1 1 1.20510-4 1 1 1.20570-4 0 0 0.38520-4 1 1 1.20410-4 1 1 1.0000
Eight0-4 1 1 1.20590-4 1 1 1.20500-4 0 0 0.38540-4 1 1 1.20370-4 1 1 1.0000
Seven0-4 1 1 1.20600-4 1 1 1.20490-4 0 0 0.38550-4 1 1 1.20360-4 1 1 1.0000
Six0-4 1 1 1.20540-4 1 1 1.20570-4 0 0 0.38510-4 1 1 1.20390-4 1 1 1.0000
Five0-4 1 1 1.20520-4 1 1 1.20610-4 0 0 0.38500-4 1 1 1.20370-4 1 1 1.0000
Four0-4 1 1 1.20560-4 1 1 1.20520-4 0 0 0.38530-4 1 1 1.20390-4 1 1 1.0000
Three0-4 1 1 1.20520-4 1 1 1.20580-4 0 0 0.38510-4 1 1 1.20390-4 1 1 1.0000
Two0-4 1 1 1.20490-4 1 1 1.20560-4 0 0 0.38540-4 1 1 1.20410-4 1 1 1.0000

Stats 8H14 MainTop Balanced 28-30 opp. Major


S length0-10 3 3 2.97760-10 3 3 2.97822-5 3 3 3.16500-8 5 5 3.87930-13 10 10 3.2500
H length0-10 3 3 2.97820-11 3 3 2.97722-5 3 3 3.16460-8 5 5 3.88000-13 10 10 3.2500
D length0-11 3 3 3.52230-10 3 3 3.52252-5 3 3 3.33460-8 3 3 2.62060-13 10 10 3.2500
C length0-10 3 3 3.52190-10 3 3 3.52212-5 3 3 3.33580-8 3 3 2.62020-13 10 10 3.2500
S quality0-125 0 5 10.61630-126 0 5 10.61600-124 96 96 91.85250-125 0 8 13.91520-127 0 20 31.7500
H quality0-125 0 5 10.62570-125 0 5 10.61020-124 96 96 91.84220-126 0 8 13.92190-127 0 20 31.7500
D quality0-125 0 7 12.11830-126 0 7 12.12110-124 96 96 93.76750-124 0 4 8.99320-127 0 20 31.7500
C quality0-126 0 7 12.11770-126 0 7 12.11160-124 96 96 93.78090-121 0 4 8.98980-127 0 20 31.7500
S x-cards0-63 0 12 17.34150-63 0 12 17.33980-60 0 0 5.75010-63 0 19 22.56870-63 0 10 15.7500
H x-cards0-63 0 12 17.34440-63 0 12 17.33990-60 0 0 5.74750-63 0 19 22.56830-63 0 10 15.7500
D x-cards0-63 0 17 20.63480-63 0 17 20.62620-60 0 1 6.38580-63 0 9 15.35310-63 0 10 15.7500
C x-cards0-63 0 17 20.63570-63 0 17 20.62870-60 0 1 6.39000-63 0 9 15.34560-63 0 10 15.7500
S half-tricks0-19 0 0 1.44500-20 0 0 1.44610-10 4 4 4.97350-14 0 4 3.09050-26 0 2 2.6843
H half-tricks0-19 0 0 1.44660-20 0 0 1.44440-10 4 4 4.97260-15 0 4 3.09170-26 0 2 2.6843
D half-tricks0-20 0 2 2.13420-19 0 2 2.13450-10 4 5 5.34010-15 0 0 0.90140-26 0 2 2.6843
C half-tricks0-20 0 2 2.13350-20 0 2 2.13300-10 4 5 5.34220-15 0 0 0.90100-26 0 2 2.6843
S control0-7 0 1 1.09830-7 0 1 1.09790-7 7 6 5.74390-7 0 1 1.01770-7 1 2 2.2354
H control0-7 0 1 1.09890-7 0 1 1.09840-7 7 6 5.74350-7 0 1 1.01730-7 1 2 2.2354
D control0-7 0 0 0.81010-7 0 0 0.81000-7 7 6 5.80410-7 1 1 1.20080-7 1 2 2.2354
C control0-7 0 0 0.81020-7 0 0 0.80970-7 7 6 5.80450-7 1 1 1.20120-7 1 2 2.2354
S guard0-2 0 0 0.78470-2 0 0 0.78500-2 2 2 1.99410-2 2 2 1.22660-2 2 2 1.2938
H guard0-2 0 0 0.78550-2 0 0 0.78470-2 2 2 1.99400-2 2 2 1.22710-2 2 2 1.2938
D guard0-2 2 1 1.01130-2 2 1 1.01130-2 2 2 1.99570-2 0 0 0.60650-2 2 2 1.2938
C guard0-2 2 1 1.01120-2 2 1 1.01080-2 2 2 1.99570-2 0 0 0.60640-2 2 2 1.2938

Quality: A=64, K=32, Q=16, J=8, 10=4, 9=2, 8=1
X-cards: 7=32, 6=16, 5=8, 4=4, 3=2, 2=1
Control: 1st round=4, 2nd=2, 3rd=1
Guard: stopper=2, half stopper=1

Stats 8H14 MainTop Balanced 28-30 opp. Major

Generic Patterns


Pattern occurrence is shown by percent in order of theoretical frequency.

Stats 8H14 MainTop Balanced 28-30 opp. Major


Card NorthSouthWestEastTheoretical
S A2.68562.683291.09213.539125.0000
H A2.69022.682891.08593.541125.0000
D A2.94022.939291.95162.169025.0000
C A2.93842.942491.95082.168425.0000
S K7.84537.843873.991410.319525.0000
H K7.84877.838773.979610.333125.0000
D K8.71228.719076.10176.467225.0000
C K8.71588.699676.14026.444425.0000
S Q16.239516.253746.170621.336225.0000
H Q16.290016.232346.158321.319425.0000
D Q18.593218.603549.006113.797225.0000
C Q18.600218.570749.009713.819325.0000
S J23.263923.271423.128730.336025.0000
H J23.241923.266823.118330.373025.0000
D J27.271127.253025.195020.280825.0000
C J27.249427.266625.208820.275225.0000
S 1027.542027.51849.124435.815325.0000
H 1027.523527.52059.126135.829825.0000
D 1032.744532.761810.135724.357925.0000
C 1032.743932.741110.127724.387325.0000
S 927.529227.52189.126935.822125.0000
H 927.495327.53059.131335.842825.0000
D 932.741532.756910.133524.368225.0000
C 932.743432.758110.123724.374825.0000
S 827.537127.52819.118835.816025.0000
H 827.572827.49669.128035.802625.0000
D 832.738532.751810.127624.382025.0000
C 832.741832.719910.166024.372225.0000
S 727.538827.51649.129235.815625.0000
H 727.531727.52489.121435.822125.0000
D 732.761132.719810.144024.375225.0000
C 732.764832.730410.152924.351925.0000
S 627.504327.52749.120135.848225.0000
H 627.532227.51829.129535.820125.0000
D 632.746832.767810.131524.353925.0000
C 632.756132.753810.127224.363025.0000
S 527.529527.52549.136835.808325.0000
H 527.519327.53609.114435.830325.0000
D 532.742932.766710.112424.378025.0000
C 532.728232.777310.136324.358325.0000
S 427.515627.53849.127635.818425.0000
H 427.552127.50479.132135.811025.0000
D 432.748132.741910.135424.374725.0000
C 432.745632.735010.135624.383725.0000
S 327.510927.56419.114635.810425.0000
H 327.521827.52819.109235.841025.0000
D 332.751632.732510.142624.373425.0000
C 332.731832.756810.143824.367625.0000
S 227.514227.52749.116135.842425.0000
H 227.501427.53859.129335.830825.0000
D 232.740232.737210.144224.378425.0000
C 232.731832.759410.155324.353625.0000

Card location is shown by percent.

Stats 8H14 MainTop Balanced 28-30 opp. Major

© 2008 Richard Pavlicek