Stats 8H13 Main

Nine Spades opp. 6-6 Minors

 by Richard Pavlicek

Statistics for 10,485,760 Deals


Most table cells show five values in order: Min-Max Mode Median Mean.
Mean is rounded to four places, except theoretical cell tinted green is exact.
Red tinted cell shows highest mean value in its row; blue shows lowest.


Hand freakness0-18 4 4 4.22440-18 4 4 4.225611-13 12 12 11.591711-11 11 11 11.00000-20 1 3 2.9829
Generic pattern0-37 2 5 6.66840-37 2 5 6.670326-32 26 27 27.347122-22 22 22 22.00000-38 1 3 4.1404
Controls A=2 K=10-12 3 3 3.00070-12 3 3 2.99990-10 3 3 3.00000-8 3 3 2.99940-12 3 3 3.0000
High-card points0-31 10 10 10.00060-32 10 10 9.99970-25 10 10 10.00050-24 10 10 9.99920-37 10 10 10.0000
Total points0-34 11 12 11.76960-34 11 12 11.76865-31 15 14 14.39665-30 15 15 14.68300-38 11 11 11.3682
Playing half-tricks2-26 12 12 11.73432-26 12 12 11.734214-26 18 18 18.351412-26 18 18 17.88272-26 10 11 10.7371
Quick half-tricks0-16 2 3 3.43280-16 2 3 3.43170-8 0 1 0.99760-10 4 4 3.87330-16 2 3 3.5563
Losing trick count0-12 7 7 7.09390-12 7 7 7.09360-6 4 4 3.97100-7 4 4 4.15410-12 8 8 7.5566
Long suit length4-12 5 5 5.46724-12 5 5 5.46759-9 9 9 9.00006-6 6 6 6.00004-13 5 5 4.9008
Short suit length0-3 2 1 1.45890-3 2 1 1.45840-1 0 0 0.447900-3 2 2 1.6977
Suit controls0-28 9 9 9.66280-28 9 9 9.66227-28 14 15 15.190710-28 17 17 16.76800-28 9 9 8.9418
Suit guards0-8 4 5 4.93580-8 4 5 4.93562-8 4 4 3.35704-6 4 4 4.23070-8 6 5 5.1750

Suit controls (AKQ and/or shortness): 1st round=4, 2nd=2, 3rd=1
Suit guards (for notrump): stopper=2, half stopper=1

Stats 8H13 MainTop Nine Spades opp. 6-6 Minors


Voids0-2 0 0 0.08640-2 0 0 0.08630-2 1 1 0.59171-1 1 1 1.00000-3 0 0 0.0512
Singletons0-3 0 0 0.46200-3 0 0 0.46250-2 2 1 1.19441-1 1 1 1.00000-3 0 0 0.3202
Doubletons0-3 1 1 0.91920-3 1 1 0.91900-2 1 1 0.875900-3 1 1 0.8235
Tripletons0-3 1 1 0.96310-3 1 1 0.96260-1 0 0 0.298500-3 1 1 1.1453
4 card suits0-3 0 1 0.69130-3 0 1 0.69170-1 0 0 0.039600-3 1 1 0.9544
5 card suits0-2 0 0 0.44230-2 0 0 0.4421000-2 0 0 0.4988
6 card suits0-2 0 0 0.26760-2 0 0 0.267502-2 2 2 2.00000-2 0 0 0.1663
7 card suits0-1 0 0 0.12450-1 0 0 0.1247000-1 0 0 0.0353
8 card suits0-1 0 0 0.03680-1 0 0 0.0368000-1 0 0 0.0047
9 card suits0-1 0 0 0.00630-1 0 0 0.00631-1 1 1 1.000000-1 0 0 0.0004
10 card suits0-1 0 0 0.00060-1 0 0 0.0006000-1 0 0 0.0000
11 card suits0-1 0 0 0.00000-1 0 0 0.0000000-1 0 0 0.0000
12 card suits0-1 0 0 0.00000-1 0 0 0.0000000-1 0 0 0.0000
13 card suits00000-1 0 0 0.0000

0 = nonexistent; 0.0000 = exists but nearest 10,000th rounds to zero.

Stats 8H13 MainTop Nine Spades opp. 6-6 Minors


Rank NorthSouthWestEastTheoretical
Ace0-4 1 1 1.00040-4 1 1 1.00000-4 1 1 1.00010-3 1 1 0.99960-4 1 1 1.0000
King0-4 1 1 0.99990-4 1 1 1.00000-4 1 1 0.99990-3 1 1 1.00020-4 1 1 1.0000
Queen0-4 1 1 0.99960-4 1 1 0.99990-4 1 1 1.00030-3 1 1 1.00020-4 1 1 1.0000
Jack0-4 1 1 1.00000-4 1 1 1.00010-4 1 1 0.99990-3 1 1 1.00000-4 1 1 1.0000
Ten0-4 1 1 1.00040-4 1 1 0.99980-4 1 1 0.99970-3 1 1 1.00010-4 1 1 1.0000
Nine0-4 1 1 1.00030-4 1 1 0.99980-4 1 1 0.99980-3 1 1 1.00010-4 1 1 1.0000
Eight0-4 1 1 1.00040-4 1 1 0.99980-4 1 1 0.99980-3 1 1 1.00000-4 1 1 1.0000
Seven0-4 1 1 0.99970-4 1 1 0.99980-4 1 1 1.00020-3 1 1 1.00030-4 1 1 1.0000
Six0-4 1 1 0.99960-4 1 1 1.00030-4 1 1 1.00000-3 1 1 1.00000-4 1 1 1.0000
Five0-4 1 1 0.99990-4 1 1 1.00020-4 1 1 0.99970-3 1 1 1.00020-4 1 1 1.0000
Four0-4 1 1 0.99980-4 1 1 1.00010-4 1 1 1.00030-3 1 1 0.99980-4 1 1 1.0000
Three0-4 1 1 1.00020-4 1 1 0.99990-4 1 1 1.00000-3 1 1 0.99980-4 1 1 1.0000
Two0-4 1 1 0.99980-4 1 1 1.00030-4 1 1 1.00020-3 1 1 0.99970-4 1 1 1.0000

Stats 8H13 MainTop Nine Spades opp. 6-6 Minors


S length0-4 2 2 1.86800-4 2 2 1.86689-9 9 9 9.00000-1 0 0 0.26520-13 10 10 3.2500
H length0-12 5 5 5.19890-12 5 5 5.19930-4 2 2 1.86700-1 1 1 0.73480-13 10 10 3.2500
D length0-7 3 3 2.96690-7 3 3 2.96650-4 1 1 1.06666-6 6 6 6.00000-13 10 10 3.2500
C length0-7 3 3 2.96620-7 3 3 2.96740-4 1 1 1.06646-6 6 6 6.00000-13 10 10 3.2500
S quality0-120 0 5 18.25080-120 0 5 18.24167-127 123 94 87.91560-64 0 0 2.59200-127 0 20 31.7500
H quality0-127 0 47 50.78220-127 0 47 50.79190-120 0 5 18.24650-64 0 0 7.17940-127 0 20 31.7500
D quality0-127 0 17 28.99440-127 0 17 28.96720-120 0 0 10.42220-126 42 56 58.61620-127 0 20 31.7500
C quality0-127 0 17 28.99170-127 0 17 28.99460-120 0 0 10.41900-126 28 56 58.59470-127 0 20 31.7500
S x-cards0-60 0 2 9.04560-60 0 2 9.05003-63 47 47 43.61910-32 0 0 1.28530-63 0 10 15.7500
H x-cards0-63 0 23 25.19360-63 0 23 25.20010-60 0 2 9.04890-32 0 0 3.55740-63 0 10 15.7500
D x-cards0-63 0 8 14.37650-63 0 8 14.37040-60 0 0 5.16950-63 50 28 29.08360-63 0 10 15.7500
C x-cards0-63 0 8 14.36670-63 0 8 14.38040-60 0 0 5.16880-63 37 28 29.08410-63 0 10 15.7500
S half-tricks0-8 0 0 0.73090-8 0 0 0.730214-18 18 17 16.97450-2 0 0 0.06120-26 0 2 2.6843
H half-tricks0-24 6 7 6.86270-24 6 7 6.86400-8 0 0 0.73060-2 0 0 0.16950-26 0 2 2.6843
D half-tricks0-14 0 2 2.07080-14 0 2 2.06870-8 0 0 0.32326-12 8 9 8.82650-26 0 2 2.6843
C half-tricks0-14 0 2 2.06990-14 0 2 2.07130-8 0 0 0.32316-12 8 9 8.82540-26 0 2 2.6843
S control0-7 3 3 2.58810-7 3 3 2.58950-7 7 5 4.84563-7 7 7 6.02070-7 1 2 2.2354
H control0-7 0 3 2.82060-7 0 3 2.82120-7 3 3 2.59023-7 3 3 4.28700-7 1 2 2.2354
D control0-7 1 1 2.12710-7 1 1 2.12490-7 3 3 3.87700-7 4 3 3.23070-7 1 2 2.2354
C control0-7 1 1 2.12690-7 1 1 2.12650-7 3 3 3.87780-7 2 3 3.22960-7 1 2 2.2354
S guard0-2 0 0 0.68870-2 0 0 0.68812-2 2 2 2.00000-2 0 0 0.06120-2 2 2 1.2938
H guard0-2 2 2 1.84670-2 2 2 1.84660-2 0 0 0.68820-2 0 0 0.16950-2 2 2 1.2938
D guard0-2 2 2 1.20020-2 2 2 1.20000-2 0 0 0.33452-2 2 2 2.00000-2 2 2 1.2938
C guard0-2 2 2 1.20010-2 2 2 1.20100-2 0 0 0.33432-2 2 2 2.00000-2 2 2 1.2938

Quality: A=64, K=32, Q=16, J=8, 10=4, 9=2, 8=1
X-cards: 7=32, 6=16, 5=8, 4=4, 3=2, 2=1
Control: 1st round=4, 2nd=2, 3rd=1
Guard: stopper=2, half stopper=1

Stats 8H13 MainTop Nine Spades opp. 6-6 Minors

Generic Patterns


Pattern occurrence is shown by percent in order of theoretical frequency.

Stats 8H13 MainTop Nine Spades opp. 6-6 Minors


Card NorthSouthWestEastTheoretical
S A14.372314.371169.21412.042625.0000
H A39.980939.992614.37675.649825.0000
D A22.847222.80238.207046.143525.0000
C A22.837922.83058.208946.122725.0000
S K14.373014.353569.23662.036925.0000
H K39.998339.995414.35425.652125.0000
D K22.812222.81398.202646.171325.0000
C K22.809822.83518.197146.158025.0000
S Q14.358714.361369.23532.044825.0000
H Q39.971039.992914.36815.668025.0000
D Q22.807922.81398.223246.155025.0000
C Q22.826522.82368.200346.149525.0000
S J14.360714.354769.24442.040325.0000
H J39.987040.003014.35385.656225.0000
D J22.819122.81668.195046.169325.0000
C J22.831822.83728.201546.129425.0000
S 1014.388914.354069.22292.034125.0000
H 1040.017539.980914.35295.648725.0000
D 1022.817622.83268.187246.162625.0000
C 1022.820322.81318.204146.162425.0000
S 914.388314.349569.22742.034825.0000
H 939.997439.994414.36065.647725.0000
D 922.817622.82038.203746.158425.0000
C 922.823322.81568.190546.170525.0000
S 814.368814.365569.21982.046025.0000
H 840.001339.985214.35675.656725.0000
D 822.842422.80838.198446.150925.0000
C 822.825722.82308.201646.149725.0000
S 714.353714.363569.25022.032725.0000
H 739.990939.998914.36505.645325.0000
D 722.823322.79218.207946.176625.0000
C 722.800922.82548.197146.176725.0000
S 614.361014.373169.21272.053225.0000
H 639.983240.010514.36235.644025.0000
D 622.809022.83028.205146.155625.0000
C 622.807922.81798.224446.149825.0000
S 514.361614.361869.22872.047925.0000
H 539.996239.992914.35835.652625.0000
D 522.821322.81968.194046.165125.0000
C 522.811922.84858.189946.149725.0000
S 414.356514.359969.25062.033125.0000
H 440.004239.979714.36685.649325.0000
D 422.824222.84768.203846.124425.0000
C 422.791422.82248.210646.175625.0000
S 314.387614.358169.21712.037225.0000
H 339.972040.006614.36025.661225.0000
D 322.840622.80928.220246.130025.0000
C 322.823022.81468.205946.156525.0000
S 214.369114.349969.24032.040725.0000
H 239.992340.000214.36345.644025.0000
D 222.809222.84488.208946.137225.0000
C 222.805622.83288.212146.149625.0000

Card location is shown by percent.

Stats 8H13 MainTop Nine Spades opp. 6-6 Minors

© 2008 Richard Pavlicek