Quiz 8D47 Main

Spade Detective Agency

 by Richard Pavlicek

Sam Spade once said, “When a man’s partner is killed, he’s supposed to do something about it. It doesn’t make any difference what you thought of him; he was your partner and you’re supposed to do something about it.” Good point, so the first thing Sam Spade did about it was to remove Miles Archer’s name from his window sign.

And so it goes in bridge: When your partner dies halfway through a session, don’t bereave! Just remove his name from your convention card and outbid the opponents on every hand to make him dummy. And relax! When you go down you’ll have a good excuse… “I couldn’t reach the good club because dummy was dead.”

Fortunately or unfortunately, your partner is still alive. Only question is whether you will be too after playing these six contracts in spades. I don’t want to make you nervous, but I hope you have your estate plans in order. This quiz is not for the faint of heart but for the feint of spade. “When you’re slapped, you’ll take it and like it!”

Choose your play on each problem then click “Score Me” to see how you did. Explanations follow the quiz.

“The best goodbyes are short… Adieu!” What? You’re still here? Oh dear!

Problem 1

IMPsS A 6 3 2WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH A 51 HDblPass2 S
D A K 3 2Pass4 SPassPass
C J 5 3Pass
Lead: H QEast plays H 9 
S K Q J 4
H K 6 3 2
D 8 6 5 4
4 S SouthC 10

Your play? A. Win H A, S K-Q
B. Win H A, D A-K, lead D 2
C. Win H A, duck a diamond
D. Win H A, lead C 3
E.  Win H K, S K-Q
F.  Win H K, lead C 10

Problem 2

IMPsS J 4WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH Q 6 4 23 S
D A 5 3 2Dbl1PassPassPass
C A 7 6
Table 1. takeout
Lead: C KEast plays C 3 
S A Q 7 6 5 3 2
H 8 5 3
D Q 9
3 S× SouthC 5You win the C A (goal is to go down only one)

What next? A. Lead S 4 to queen
B. Lead D 2 to queen
C. Ruff club, lead S 5 to jack
D. Ruff club, lead H 8
E.  Ruff club, run D Q
F.  Ruff club, lead D 9 to ace


Top Spade Detective Agency

Problem 3

IMPsS K Q 9 7 3 2WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH K 7 31 NT
D 2Pass2 H3 D3 S
C A 6 3Pass4 NTPass5 C
Table Pass6 SAll Pass
Lead: D 9East plays D 10 
S A 10 8
H A 10 2
D A 7 4 3
6 S SouthC K J 4

Your play? A. Win D A, S K, run all trumps
B. Win D A, lead D 3 and pitch club
C. Win D A, lead D 3 and pitch heart
D. Win D A, ruff D, S K, run all trumps
E.  Duck, win D A next
F.  Duck, ruff next diamond

Problem 4

IMPsS A 6 5 4WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH 21 D1 H1 S
D A K 8 5 41 NT2 S3 C3 H
C 8 7 5Pass4 SPassPass
Table Pass
Lead: D QEast plays D 6 
S 10 9 8 7 2
H A 10 8 5 3
D 3 2
4 S SouthC QYou win the D A

What next? A. Win H A, ruff heart, lead C 5
B. Win H A, ruff heart, win D K, lead D 4
C. Win H A, lead C Q
D. Win D K, lead C 5
E.  Win D K, lead D 4
F.  Lead the C 5


Top Spade Detective Agency

Problem 5

IMPsS K J 10 9 2WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH K 4 21 S
D Q 10 4 3Dbl4 C5 CPass
C APass5 SPassPass
Table Pass
Lead: C KEast plays C 3 
S A 8 7 6 5 3
H A 10 8 3
D J 2
5 S SouthC 5You win the C A, S K, then S J to S A (West pitches two clubs)

What next? A. Win S 10, lead D 10
B. Win S 10, lead D 3 to jack
C. Lead the D J
D. Lead D 2 to queen
E.  Lead D 2 to 10
F.  Lead D 2 and duck it

Problem 6

IMPsS K 10 8 7WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH 5Pass1 S
D A 9 7 54 H4 NTPass5 H
C A K Q 2Pass6 SPassPass
Table Pass
Lead: H KEast plays H 3 
S A 9 6 5 4 3
H A 2
D Q 6 3
6 S SouthC 7 4You win the H A and lead S 3… bad news as West pitches a heart

Your play? A. Win S K, S A, ruff heart
B. Win S K, S A, C A-K-Q, lead C 2
C. Win S K, duck a spade
D. Win S K, C A-K-Q, lead C 2
E.  Play S 10 (lose to East)
F.  Play S 8 (lose to East)



Top Spade Detective Agency

Problem 1

IMPsS A 6 3 2TrickLead2nd3rd4th
N-S vulH A 51. WH Q5!9K
D A K 3 22. SC 10!Q34
C J 5 33. WH 7A42
S 8 TableS 10 9 7 54. ND 2!749
H Q J 10 8 7H 9 45. WH JS 6S 73
D Q J 9D 10 76. EC 6S 425
C A Q 9 2C K 8 7 6 47. SS K825
S K Q J 48. SH 68S AD 10
H K 6 3 29. NS 39JH 10
D 8 6 5 410. SS QC 9C J10
4 S SouthC 10Win the rest

Play sequence is crucial if East has four spades. Even if East had a singleton heart, chances are good (and no other play does better).

Problem 2

IMPsS J 4TrickLead2nd3rd4th
N-S vulH Q 6 4 21. WC KA35
D A 5 3 22. NC 6!4S 22
C A 7 63. SD 9!10A6
S TableS K 10 9 84. NC 79S 38
H K J 9 7H A 105. SD QK27
D K 10 8 4D J 7 66. WH J2103
C K Q J 8 2C 10 9 4 37. WH 94A5
S A Q 7 6 5 3 28. ED JS 543
H 8 5 39. SH 8K6C 10
D Q 910. WC QD 5S 10S 6!
3 S× SouthC 5East is endplayed

With opponents unable to cash three hearts fluidly, trump reduction allows East to be endplayed (underruff at Trick 10).

Quiz 8D47 MainTop Spade Detective Agency

Problem 3

IMPsS K Q 9 7 3 2TrickLead2nd3rd4th
N-S vulH K 7 31. WD 92103!
D 22. ED K45S 2
C A 6 33. NS KD 6104
S J 6 5 4 TableS4. NS 3D 8A5
H Q 9 6H J 8 5 45. SS 869H 4
D 9 5D K Q J 10 8 66. NS QC 7C 4J
C Q 8 5 2C 10 9 77. NS 7C 9C JC 2
S A 10 88. NC 310K5
H A 10 29. SD AH 6H 3J
D A 7 4 310. SH 29K5
6 S SouthC K J 411. NC A?
East is squeezed

With diamond length East, a pure squeeze is a virtual cinch if you rectify the count without disturbing North’s threats.

Problem 4

IMPsS A 6 5 4TrickLead2nd3rd4th
N-S vulH 21. WD QA62
D A K 8 5 42. NC 5!AQ3
C 8 7 53. ES Q23A
S K 3 TableS Q J4. NC 7!2S 76
H J 4H K Q 9 7 65. SD 39KS J
D Q J 10 9 7D 66. EH KA42
C K 9 6 3C A J 10 4 27. SH 3JS 46
S 10 9 8 7 28. ND 4C 4S 87
H A 10 8 5 39. SH 5C 9S 57
D 3 210. ND 5C 10S 910
4 S SouthC Q11. SH 8
Crossruff, lose 1

Key is to balance your trump length, then a successful elopement is assured if East ruffs your diamond winner.

Quiz 8D47 MainTop Spade Detective Agency

Problem 5

IMPsS K J 10 9 2TrickLead2nd3rd4th
N-S vulH K 4 21. WC KA35
D Q 10 4 32. NS K43C 2
S TableS Q 44. SD 2!810A
H Q J 9 5H 7 65. EH 7A!52
D K 8 7 6D A 9 56. SS 5C 610C 7
C K Q 6 4 2C J 10 9 8 7 37. NS 9C 86C Q
S A 8 7 6 5 38. NS 2C 98H 9
H A 10 8 39. SS 7!?
D J 2West is squeezed, lose 1
5 S SouthC 5

Only a low diamond to the 10 allows West to be squeezed in the red suits after East returns a heart (win H A).

Problem 6

IMPsS K 10 8 7TrickLead2nd3rd4th
N-S vulH 51. WH K53A
D A 9 7 52. SS 3H 410!J
C A K Q 23. EC 1043A
S TableS Q J 24. ND A234
H K Q J 9 8 7 4H 10 6 35. NS 829!H 7
D 10 8 4D K J 26. SH 28S K6
C 8 6 3C J 10 9 57. NS 7QAH 9
S A 9 6 5 4 38. SS 6C 6D 5H 10
H A 29. SS 5H JD 7D J
D Q 6 310. SS 4C 8D 9?
6 S SouthC 7 4East is squeezed

Playing the S 10 is crucial to retain communication to ruff a heart and cash the D A (Vienna coup) before running trumps to squeeze East. Note that playing the S 8 is not the same and fails.

Ding-Hwa Hsieh Wins!

These six problems were published in 2018 as a long-running contest, which is now closed. Congratulations to Ding-Hwa Hsieh (Missouri) who was the first of three to submit perfect scores. Scoring was based on how many of the first eight plays on each problem matched my recommended plays, so the best possible score was 48 (8×6). Equivalent plays or transpositions were accepted as correct.

There were 41 participants, and only one attempt was allowed for each. Only those scoring 32 or higher are listed below. Ties are broken by the date and time of entry (earliest wins).

Honor Roll
1Ding-Hwa HsiehMissouri48
2Wojciech PapugaPoland48
3Jonathan MestelEngland48
4Perry GrootNetherlands40
5Gareth BirdsallEngland38
6John ReardonEngland37
7Jean-Luc MothesFrance34

Quiz 8D47 MainTop Spade Detective Agency

Acknowledgments to Dashiell Hammett (1894-1961) and The Maltese Falcon.
Photo is Humphrey Bogart as Sam Spade in the 1941 movie classic.
© 2018 Richard Pavlicek