Quiz 8B71 Main

Escape from The Rock

 by Richard Pavlicek

We Americans take great pride in our prisons!
(Other countries waste money on schools)

On each of these 10 problems, you hold a rock crusher and must decide whether to open the bidding 2 C (artificial force) or one of a suit. If you would bid something else, don’t tell anyone, or Alcatraz may be reopened just for you.

Choose your opening bids then click “Score Me” to see how you did. If you finish plus IMPs after 10 boards, you have escaped from The Rock! At the end you can view the actual deals and see how two experts bid differently in each case.

1. IMPs None vul

S A K Q 10
H A K 3
D K Q 8 7 2
C 7

Opening bid in fourth seat? 1 D2 C

2. IMPs Unfavorable vul

H A K 9 4 2
C A K Q 8 4

Opening bid in third seat? 1 H2 C

3. IMPs Both vul

H A 5 3
D A Q 10 9 5 2
C A K 7

Opening bid in second seat? 1 D2 C

4. IMPs Both vul

S A Q J 9 8 2
H A J 10 5 4 2

Opening bid in third seat? 1 S2 C

5. IMPs Unfavorable vul

S A K 9 7 4
H 3 2
C A K 10

Opening bid in third seat? 1 S2 C


Top Escape from The Rock

6. IMPs None vul

H K 10 5
D A K Q J 10 8 3
C Q 2

Opening bid in third seat? 1 D2 C

7. IMPs Both vul

S K Q 10 9 6
H A K 9 8
D A K J 7

Opening bid in third seat? 1 S2 C

8. IMPs Unfavorable vul

S A Q 5 4 3 2
D A 2
C A K 10 6

Opening bid in third seat? 1 S2 C

9. IMPs Both vul

H A 10 6
D K Q 10 9 8 5

Opening bid as dealer? 1 D2 C

10. IMPs Favorable vul

H A K J 7 3 2
D 8
C A K 10 5

Opening bid as dealer? 1 H2 C


Actual Results

Top Escape from The Rock

1. Bermuda Bowl Final 1999

West dealsS 6 5 4WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH Q J 10 8 7MeckstrothChagasRodwellBranco
DPassPassPass2 C
C A 10 8 6 4Pass2 DPass2 NT
S 7 3TableS J 9 8 2Pass3 CPass3 D
H 6 5 2H 9 4Pass3 HPass3 S
D A 10 6 3D J 9 5 4Pass3 NTAll Pass
C Q 9 3 2C K J 5
S A K Q 10
H A K 3
D K Q 8 7 2
C 7
Brazil N-SUSA1 N-SWestNorthEastSouth
3 NT South6 H NorthJanzNickellMelloFreeman
Lead: C 2Lead: H 4PassPassPass1 D
Made 4 +430Made 6 +980Pass1 HPass2 S
USA1 +11 IMPsPass3 CPass3 H
Pass4 CPass5 H
Pass6 HAll Pass

2. Olympiad Quarterfinal 2004

West dealsS K 9 7 5WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH 5VersaceAllanaLauriaFazli
D Q 9 7 5 2PassPass2 CPass
C J 7 22 DPass2 HPass
S A Q 10 4TableS J2 SPass3 CPass
H Q 7 3H A K 9 4 23 DPass3 HPass
D 10 3D A J4 CPass4 DPass
C 10 9 6 5C A K Q 8 44 SPass4 NTPass
S 8 6 3 25 DPass6 CAll Pass
H J 10 8 6
D K 8 6 4
C 3
Pakistan N-SItaly N-SWestNorthEastSouth
6 C East7 H EastJaferFantoniKhanNunes
Lead: S 6Lead: S 2PassPass1 HPass
Made 6 +1370Down 3 -3002 HPass4 CPass
Italy +17 IMPs4 SPass4 NTPass
5 CPass5 DPass
5 SPass7 HAll Pass

3. Olympiad Round-of-16 2004

West dealsS AWestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH A 5 3TakanoSaaidTeramotoEl Sheikh
D A Q 10 9 5 2Pass2 CPass2 D
C A K 7Pass3 DPass3 S
S Q 9 3 2TableS 10 8 7 6Pass3 NTPass4 D
H Q 9 8 6H 10 4Pass4 SPass5 C
D J 7D 8 4 3Pass5 NTPass6 H
C 9 6 3C Q 5 4 2Pass7 DAll Pass
S K J 5 4
H K J 7 2
D K 6
C J 10 8
Egypt N-SJapan N-SWestNorthEastSouth
7 D South6 D NorthEl AhmadyKakuSadekTakayama
Lead: D 7Lead: S 8Pass1 DPass1 H
Made 7 +2140Made 6 +1370Pass3 CPass3 D
Egypt +13 IMPsPass3 HPass4 D
Pass4 NTPass5 C
Pass6 DAll Pass

4. USBC Semifinal 2000

West dealsS K 10WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH Q 9 8 7WeinsteinLarsenLevinMeltzer
D 10 8 3PassPass2 CPass
C J 10 6 32 DPass2 SPass
S 5 4TableS A Q J 9 8 22 NTPass3 HPass
H K 6H A J 10 5 4 23 SPass4 HPass
D A 7 5 4 2D5 DPass5 HAll Pass
C Q 7 4 2C A
S 7 6 3
H 3
D K Q J 9 6
C K 9 8 5
Meltzer N-SSchwartz N-SWestNorthEastSouth
5 H East6 H EastMartelRosenbergStansbyZia
Lead: D KLead: S 3PassPass1 SPass
Made 6 +680Made 6 +14301 NTPass3 HPass
Meltzer +13 IMPs3 SPass5 HPass
6 HPassPassPass

Food for thought: Why did Zia lead the S 3 against 6 H? (answer at end)

5. USBC Final 2003

West dealsS Q 6 2WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH K Q 8 7WildavskyWellandDoubFallenius
D 10 7 3PassPass2 CPass
C 6 3 22 DPass2 NTPass
S J 8 3TableS A K 9 7 4PassPass
H 10 9H 3 2
D 9 6 4 2D A Q J
C 9 8 7 5C A K 10
S 10 5
H A J 6 5 4
D K 8 5
C Q J 4
Welland N-SCohen N-SWestNorthEastSouth
2 NT East1 S EastWeinsteinHLandenGarnerPratap
Lead: H 4Lead: C QPassPass1 SPass
Down 2 -200Made 2 +110PassPass
Welland +7 IMPs

Quiz 8B71 MainTop Escape from The Rock

6. USBC Semifinal 2005

West dealsS J 7 5 4 3WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH 6 4 3BoydWellandRobinsonFallenius
D 6PassPass2 CPass
C A K 5 32 SPass3 NTPass
S K 9 8 2TableS APassPass
H A J 2H K 10 5
D 9 7 4D A K Q J 10 8 3
C 9 8 6C Q 2
S Q 10 6
H Q 9 8 7
D 5 2
C J 10 7 4
Welland N-SRobinson N-SWestNorthEastSouth
3 NT East6 D EastRosenbergBramleyZiaFeldman
Lead: H 8Lead: H 8PassPass1 DPass
Made 6 +490Made 6 +9201 SPass3 HPass
Welland +10 IMPs5 DPass6 DPass

Word is out that Zia will headed for Alcatraz after stealing this slam.

7. USBC Round-of-16 2006

West dealsS 4 2WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH Q 6FoutRosenbergRomanZia
D 10 5 3 2PassPass2 CPass
C Q J 9 7 33 CPass3 SPass
S A JTableS K Q 10 9 63 NTPass4 DPass
H 7 5 4 3H A K 9 84 SPass5 HPass
D Q 9 8D A K J 76 DPass6 SAll Pass
C A 10 6 4C
S 8 7 5 3
H J 10 2
D 6 4
C K 8 5 2
Jacobs N-SFout N-SWestNorthEastSouth
6 S East4 H EastKatzEhlersJacobsRengstorff
Lead: C 2Lead: D 6PassPass1 SPass
Made 6 +1430Made 6 +6801 NTPass2 CPass
Fout +13 IMPs2 DPass2 HPass
2 SPass3 DPass
3 SPass4 HAll Pass

8. World Championship Round-of-64 2006

West dealsS 10WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH J 9 8 7 3CasenFantoniKrekorianNunes
D K 10 7 4PassPass2 CPass
C J 9 32 DPass2 SPass
S 6TableS A Q 5 4 3 23 CPass4 CPass
H 6 5 4 2H A5 CPass6 CAll Pass
D Q 8 6D A 2
C Q 8 7 5 4C A K 10 6
S K J 9 8 7
H K Q 10
D J 9 5 3
C 2
Angelini N-SSchwartz N-SWestNorthEastSouth
6 C East1 S EastLauriaEl AhmadyVersaceSadek
Lead: H KLead: H KPassPass1 SPass
Down 2 -200Made 2 +110PassPass
Angelini +7 IMPs

Fate was cruel, as 6 C is surely the best contract in theory — but maybe that should be expected, as the Guardian Angel would naturally protect Angelini.

9. Spingold Semifinal 2008

West dealsS J 5 2WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH K J 4 2SeamonWellandCayneGlubok
D 7 6 32 CPass2 H2 S
C 8 5 22 NTPass3 DPass
S A KTableS 33 HPass3 NTPass
H A 10 6H Q 9 8 7 54 CPass4 DPass
D K Q 10 9 8 5D A J 44 SPass6 CPass
C A JC Q 10 7 46 HAll Pass
S Q 10 9 8 7 6 4
H 3
D 2
C K 9 6 3
Welland N-SWeed N-SWestNorthEastSouth
6 H East7 D WestGarnerNunesWeinsteinHFantoni
Lead: D 2Lead: S 21 DPass1 H3 S
Made 6 +1430Down 1 -100DblPass4 SPass
Weed +17 IMPs7 DPassPassPass

10. USBC Round-of-16-B 2009

West dealsS 6 4 3WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH Q 10 9 6HammanGrueZiaCheek
D K Q 9 42 CPass2 DPass
C J 62 HPass2 SPass
S A JTableS K Q 8 73 HPass3 SPass
H A K J 7 3 2H 84 HPassPassPass
D 8D J 5 3 2
C A K 10 5C 9 8 4 2
S 10 9 5 2
H 5 4
D A 10 7 6
C Q 7 3
Jacobs N-SNickell N-SWestNorthEastSouth
4 H West5 C WestLevinRodwellWeinsteinMeckstroth
Lead: D KLead: D K1 HPass1 NTPass
Down 1 -50Made 5 +4003 CPass4 CPass
Jacobs +10 IMPs4 DPass4 SPass
4 NTPass5 CAll Pass

Results are from actual play, so the winning bids are not necessarily correct in theory.

Well, did you escape from The Rock? If not, there’s one last chance… jump into the Bay and swim like hell!

Food for thought (answer): Zia knew it was futile to try to establish and later cash a diamond trick. With spades laying friendly for declarer, he tried to implant the concern of a singleton spade, either in his hand or partner’s. This might induce declarer to play trumps from the top rather than finesse successfully against partner.

Quiz 8B71 MainTop Escape from The Rock

© 2010 Richard Pavlicek