On each of these 10 problems, you must decide whether to open the bidding in your five-card major or 1 NT (15-17). If you would bid anything else, please dont admit it, as the angry crowd might bury you along with Caesar.
Choose your opening bids then click Score Me to see how you did. If you finish plus IMPs after 10 boards, consider yourself an honorable man. At the end you can view the actual deals and see how two experts bid differently in each case.
1. IMPs Both vul
Opening bid in third seat? 1 1 NT
2. IMPs Unfavorable vul
3. IMPs Both vul
Opening bid in second seat? 1 1 NT
4. IMPs Favorable vul
Opening bid as dealer? 1 1 NT
5. IMPs Unfavorable vul
6. IMPs Favorable vul
7. IMPs Favorable vul
8. IMPs Favorable vul
Opening bid in fourth seat? 1 1 NT
9. IMPs None vul
10. IMPs Favorable vul
This swing should have gone the other way (3 NT should be defeated) but thats real life for you!
Results are from actual play, so the winning bids are not necessarily correct in theory.
Well, have you learned to praise Caesar? Or are you ready to join him?
© 2010 Richard Pavlicek