Quiz 8B41 Main

Crow Low, Crow High

 by Richard Pavlicek

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered bidding theory,
Omens of the days of yore came tapping at my chamber door.
Quoth the raven: One or four!

On each of these problems you must decide whether to open one or four in your major suit. If you would bid anything else, please don’t admit it, as it would only prove you’re a raven lunatic.

Choose your opening bids then click “Score Me” to see how you did. If you finish plus IMPs after 10 boards, you’re a raven genius. At the end you can view the actual deals and see how two experts bid differently in each case.

1. IMPs Favorable vul

S A K 9 8 7 6 4
H J 6
D A 4 3

Opening bid in third seat? 1 S4 S

2. IMPs Both vul

S K Q J 7 6 4 2
H 2
D A 4
C J 7 4

Opening bid as dealer? 1 S4 S

3. IMPs Unfavorable vul

S A K J 9 8 6 2
H 3
D 9 3
C K 9 6

Opening bid in second seat? 1 S4 S

4. IMPs Unfavorable vul

S Q 10
H A J 9 8 7 5 3 2
D A 6 2

Opening bid as dealer? 1 H4 H

5. IMPs None vul

S 9
H K 10 8 7 5 3 2
C A Q 6 3 2

Opening bid as dealer? 1 H4 H


Top Crow Low, Crow High

6. IMPs Both vul

S 3
H A K 9 7 5 4 3
D 10 5
C A J 2

Opening bid in third seat? 1 H4 H

7. IMPs None vul

S 8 3
H A K Q J 9 7 6 3
D 9 3
C 5

Opening bid as dealer? 1 H4 H

8. IMPs Favorable vul

S J 10
H A K 10 7 5 3
D J 9 6 4 3

Opening bid as dealer? 1 H4 H

9. IMPs Favorable vul

S A J 10 8 5 3 2
H K 3
D K Q 3
C 7

Opening bid in third seat? 1 S4 S

10. IMPs Favorable vul

S A K 10 8 6 5 3
H J 7 2
D K 5
C 5

Opening bid in third seat? 1 S4 S


Actual Results

Top Crow Low, Crow High

1. Bermuda Bowl Qualifying 1997

West dealsS Q 2WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH 5 2MartelRodwellStansbyMeckstroth
D K 7 6 5 2PassPass1 SDbl
C K 4 3 2Pass2 D2 S3 D
S J 5TableS A K 9 8 7 6 43 SPassPassPass
H K 10 9 8H J 6
D 9 8D A 4 3
C 10 8 7 6 5C J
S 10 3
H A Q 7 4 3
D Q J 10
C A Q 9
USA1 N-SUSA2 N-SWestNorthEastSouth
3 S East4 S× EastNickellRosenbergFreemanZia
Lead: D QLead: D QPassPass4 SDbl
Made 4 +170Down 1 -100PassPassPass
USA2 +7 IMPs

2. Olympiad Qualifying 2004

West dealsS 10 9 5WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH K 5 4WinklerMesburDumbovichFitzgibbon
D J 9 51 SPass1 NTPass
C A 10 8 32 SPassPassDbl
S K Q J 7 6 4 2TableS 8 3Pass3 CPassPass
H 2H A Q J 8 6Pass
D A 4D 10 6 2
C J 7 4C Q 9 5
H 10 9 7 3
D K Q 8 7 3
C K 6 2
Ireland N-SHungary N-SWestNorthEastSouth
3 C North4 S WestHanlonMacskasyMcGannSzalay
Lead: S 8Lead: H 44 SPassPassPass
Down 2 -200Made 4 +620
Ireland +9 IMPs

3. Bermuda Bowl Qualifying 2005

West dealsS A K J 9 8 6 2WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH 3SadekVersaceEl AhmadyLauria
D 9 3Pass1 S2 HPass
C K 9 62 S3 S4 HPass
S Q 10TableS 5 3PassPass
H Q 8 6H K 10 9 5 4 2
D A J 6 5D K Q
C Q 10 8 3C A 7 4
S 7 4
H A J 7
D 10 8 7 4 2
C J 5 2
Italy N-SEgypt N-SWestNorthEastSouth
4 H East4 S NorthNunesDagherFantoniEl Kourdy
Lead: S 7Lead: D KPass4 SPassPass
Made 4 +420Down 2 -200Pass
Egypt +6 IMPs

4. USBC Semifinal 2007

West dealsS 9 6 4 3WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH KKranyakNickellDeutschFreeman
D K 7 41 HPass1 S3 C
C K Q 5 4 34 H5 C6 HPass
S Q 10TableS A K 8 7Pass7 CPassPass
H A J 9 8 7 5 3 2H Q 6 4DblPassPassPass
D A 6 2D Q 10 8 5 3
CC 8
S J 5 2
H 10
D J 9
C A J 10 9 7 6 2
Nickell N-SDeutsch N-SWestNorthEastSouth
7 C× South6 C× SouthRodwellCohlerMeckstrothBaze
Lead: H ALead: H A4 HPassPass5 C
Down 5 -1100Down 4 -800PassPass5 HPass
Deutsch +7 IMPsPass6 CDblPass

5. Bermuda Bowl Semifinal 2007

West dealsS Q 10 6 5 4 3WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH J 9 6AptekerZiaGowerRosenberg
D 10 8 54 HPassPassPass
C 10
S 9TableS K 7
H K 10 8 7 5 3 2H
DD A K J 9 7 6 3 2
C A Q 6 3 2C K J 9
S A J 8 2
H A Q 4
D Q 4
C 8 7 5 4
USA1 N-SSouth Africa N-SWestNorthEastSouth
4 H West6 D EastWeinsteinHolmanGarnerCope
Lead: C 10Lead: S A1 H2 S3 C3 S
Down 1 -50Made 6 +9204 HPass6 DPass
USA1 +14 IMPsPassPass

Quiz 8B41 MainTop Crow Low, Crow High

6. Vanderbilt Quarterfinal 2008

West dealsS J 8 7WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH JRubinKatzEkebladJacobs
D A K 8 6PassPass1 HPass
C Q 10 7 5 41 SDbl2 HPass
S Q 10 9 5 2TableS 3PassPass
H Q 8H A K 9 7 5 4 3
D Q J 9 3D 10 5
C 8 6C A J 2
S A K 6 4
H 10 6 2
D 7 4 2
C K 9 3
Katz N-SRubin N-SWestNorthEastSouth
2 H East4 H EastWeinsteinVerheesLevinJansma
Lead: D 2Lead: S APassPass4 HPass
Made 3 +140Down 2 -200PassPass
Rubin +8 IMPs

7. USBC Semifinal 2008

West dealsS Q 10 7 5WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH 10 8RodwellWeinsteinMeckstrothGarner
D A 51 H2 C2 H4 H
C K Q J 9 8Pass4 SPass6 C
S 8 3TableS K 4 26 HDblPassPass
H A K Q J 9 7 6 3H 5 4 2Pass
D 9 3D Q J 6 2
C 5C 6 3 2
S A J 9 6
D K 10 8 7 4
C A 10 7 4
Welland N-SNickell N-SWestNorthEastSouth
6 H× West4 S NorthWellandFreemanWillenkenNickell
Lead: C KLead: H 24 HPassPassDbl
Down 4 -800Made 6 +480Pass4 SPassPass
Welland +8 IMPsPass

8. USBC Quarterfinal 2009

West dealsS Q 9 4 3WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH QRobinsonJohnsonBoydSimson
D A Q 10 24 HPassPassPass
C K Q 8 6
S J 10TableS 7 6 2
H A K 10 7 5 3H J 9 6
D J 9 6 4 3D 8 7
CC A J 10 3 2
S A K 8 5
H 8 4 2
D K 5
C 9 7 5 4
Rogoff N-SRobinson N-SWestNorthEastSouth
4 H West5 H× WestRogoffWoolseyParkerStewart
Lead: C KLead: S 41 HDbl2 C2 S
Down 1 -50Down 2 -3004 H4 SPassPass
Robinson +6 IMPs5 HDblPassPass

9. Bermuda Bowl Semifinal 2009

West dealsS 9 6WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH J 10 7 2TrendafilovNunesKaraivanovFantoni
D A J 10PassPass4 SPass
C K 10 4 3PassPass
S Q 4TableS A J 10 8 5 3 2
H 6 5 4H K 3
D 9 8 6 4D K Q 3
C Q J 9 2C 7
S K 7
H A Q 9 8
D 7 5 2
C A 8 6 5
Italy N-SBulgaria N-SWestNorthEastSouth
4 S East4 H NorthLauriaDanailovVersaceKarakolev
Lead: C ALead: D KPassPass1 SDbl
Down 2 -100Made 4 +620Pass3 H3 S4 H
Bulgaria +11 IMPsPassPassPass

10. Bermuda Bowl Qualifying 2009

West dealsS Q 9 7 2WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH Q 6 5WareFantoniWhibleyNunes
D 8PassPass4 SPass
C J 6 4 3 2PassPass
S JTableS A K 10 8 6 5 3
H K 10 9 8 4H J 7 2
D A 9 4 2D K 5
C Q 9 8C 5
S 4
H A 3
D Q J 10 7 6 3
C A K 10 7
Italy N-SNew Zealand N-SWestNorthEastSouth
4 S East5 C SouthDuboinCornellSementaBach
Lead: C ALead: S JPassPass1 S2 D
Down 1 -50Down 2 -2002 HPass2 S3 C
Italy +6 IMPsPass4 CPass5 C

Results are from actual play, so the winning bids are not necessarily correct in theory.

Well, are you a raven genius or a raven lunatic?

Quiz 8B41 MainTop Crow Low, Crow High

© 2010 Richard Pavlicek
Credits to Edgar Allan Poe 1809-49 and The Raven