Challenge 7V89  MainAnalyses

Slammin’ Sammy Goes Deep

Scores by Richard Pavlicek

Where can you find grand slams, doubles, squeeze plays and sacrifices? In bridge, of course, and also in baseball. These two great games share a number of common terms and analogies.

This is a defensive-play challenge for all bridge players. On each of the six problems, Slammin’ Sammy has overbid to a slam (no offense, Mr. Sosa) — or if you prefer, Sammy has hit a deep fly ball. Will you catch it? Or will it clear the fence for a home run? All the balls can be caught!

You are the left fielder (West) on Problems 1-3, and the right fielder (East) on Problems 4-6. Choose your lead at trick two from the options given. Each option is rated on a 1-to-10 scale per my judgment.

Bidding is standard (unless noted), and you use standard leads and signals.
For a reference see Standard American Bridge. Assume all players are experts.

In August 2002 these problems were presented as a contest, which had 638 entrants from 103 locations. The contest is now closed, but you can still challenge yourself and find your score immediately. If you’re a Golden Glover, you might even win a valuable prize!*

*Prizes include six outfielder’s mitts autographed by Sammy Sosa and a bronzed batting helmet. Winners must be at least 18
years of age and athletically well corked. Employees and non-employees of PavCo Sports Memorabilia are ineligible.

Batter up! Hey, batter, batter! The pitch is on the way… craaack! It’s a deep fly ball… You run back, back, back… to the warning track… to the fence… and leap with your glove in the air! Did you catch it?

Problem 1

MatchpointsS A K 4WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH K 10 8 6YouDummyPartnerSammy
D Q 8 7 51 NTPass4 C1
C K 3Pass4 HPass6 D
S Q 9 8TablePassPassPass
H Q J 9 7
D 21. Gerber
C Q 9 8 6 5 6 D South

1. WH Q653

Your next lead? S Q S 9 H 7 D 2 C 9 C 6

Problem 2

MatchpointsS Q 2WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH K Q JYouDummyPartnerSammy
D A K 5 41 NTPass2 H1
C Q 8 6 3Pass2 SPass3 H
S J 10TablePass4 DPass6 H
H 9 5 4 3PassPassPass
D Q 8 7
C A K 9 2 6 H South1. Jacoby transfer

1. WC K3710

Your next lead? S 10 H 3 D Q D 8 C A C 2

Problem 3

MatchpointsS Q 10 9 6WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH 6YouDummyPartnerSammy
D J 10 9 7 6Pass1 S
C A 10 2Pass3 S1Pass4 NT
S 4 3TablePass5 DPass6 S
H 10 4 3 2PassPassPass
D A K Q 5
C J 9 7 6 S South1. limit raise

1. WD K632

Your next lead? S 3 H 10 H 4 D A C J C 9

Problem 4

MatchpointsS K 9 6WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH J 10 9PartnerDummyYouSammy
D K J 5 4PassPass1 D
C K 10 3Pass2 NTPass6 D
TableS Q 10 8 5 4PassPassPass
Lead: H 6H A 5 3 2
D 3
6 D SouthC Q 9 4

1. WH 69AK

Your next lead? S 10 S 5 H 2 D 3 C Q C 4

Problem 5

MatchpointsS 3WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH 9 6 4 2PartnerDummyYouSammy
D A 10 8 3 21 H
C K 8 42 S3 H4 S5 C
TableS A 9 5 2Pass5 DPass5 H
Lead: S JH 10 3Pass6 HAll Pass
D J 9 7 4
6 H SouthC Q 9 7

1. WS J3AQ

Your next lead? S 2 H 3 D 4 C Q C 9 C 7

Problem 6

MatchpointsS A J 3WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH K 10 2PartnerDummyYouSammy
D 8 6 5 3PassPass1 S
C K 5 4Pass3 SPass4 NT
TableS 8 5 4Pass5 DDbl6 S
Lead: D JH J 9 7 4PassPassPass
D A K 7 2
6 S SouthC 10 3

1. WD J3KQ

Your next lead? S 5 H 4 D A D 2 C 10 C 3

 Click to see how you did

Challenge 7V89 MainAnalysesScoresTop Slammin’ Sammy Goes Deep

Acknowledgments to Sammy Sosa, the Chicago Cubs and Major League Baseball.
© 2002 Richard Pavlicek