Article 7K08 Main

Waugh of Arabia?

 by Richard Pavlicek

This month’s deal is from the 1989 Epson Worldwide Bridge Contest. According to the analysis booklet by Omar Sharif only 11 tricks could be made in spades, but Rich Waugh showed otherwise right here at the FLBC. With absolutely no help from the defense, Waugh’s sparkling technique brought home 12.

West dealsS 7 2WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH A J 6 3 2Pass1 HPass1 S
D 3Pass2 CPass2 D
C A K 10 9 7Pass3 CPass3 S
S J 9 8 5TableS KPass4 SAll Pass
H 10 9 8 5H K Q 4
D K 6D J 10 9 8 7 2
C Q 8 4C 6 5 3
S A Q 10 6 4 3
H 7
D A Q 5 4
4 S SouthC J 2

Waugh, South, became declarer in four spades after an auction that appeared to be a misfit. It is instructive to note the order of suit bidding: North’s hearts-clubs-clubs indicated 5-5 shape; South’s spades-diamonds-spades indicated 6-4 shape. This latter information allowed North to raise with a doubleton.

West led the H 10, won by the ace, then a spade was led; king, ace. East’s card was an omen of the bad trump break, and Waugh took full advantage. He continued with the C J to the ace; heart ruff; club to king (no finesse); and a heart ruff, felling East’s king. Next came the D A; diamond ruff; H J (diamond discard); and a club ruff as West helplessly followed suit.

At this juncture, South remained with the S Q-10 and a diamond; West held S J-9-8. Waugh simply led his diamond which West had to ruff. The forced spade return gave South the last two tricks.

Better be careful, Omar. I hear Rich Waugh has been reading some movie scripts, and he may be after your acting job next.

Article 7K08 MainTop Waugh of Arabia?

© 1997 Richard Pavlicek