Quiz 7J74 Main

Fifteen Ruff-Cut Diamonds

 by Richard Pavlicek

Here’s your chance, guys! Challenge your wife or sweetheart, and find out once and for all if diamonds
are a girl’s best friend. Can you make 5 D three times? The secret is in the ruff!

Problem 1

IMPsS 8 2WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH 61 D
D Q 6 5 4 3Pass2 DPass2 S
C 9 8 5 4 3Pass3 DPass5 D
Table PassPassPass
Lead: D JEast plays D 9 
S A Q 6 5
H A 9 7
D A K 8 7 2
5 D SouthC 2

Your play? A. Win D Q, finesse S Q
B. Win D Q, H A, ruff H 7
C. Win D K, H A, ruff H 7
D. Win D K, lead C 2

Problem 2

IMPsS A 6 2WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH K J 6 51 D
D K 3Pass1 HPass1 S
C 7 6 5 2Pass2 C1Pass3 D
Table Pass5 DAll Pass
Lead: C KEast plays C 3 
 1. fourth suit forcing
S K 8 7 3
H 4
D A Q J 10 9 8 7
5 D SouthC AYou win the C A (great play)

What next? A. Five rounds of trumps
B. Lead S 3 to ace
C. Lead H 4 to king
D. Lead H 4 to jack

Problem 3

IMPsS 6 5 4 3WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH J 5 4 3 21 D
D 5 2Pass1 HPass2 C
C A 2Pass2 DPass5 D
Table PassPassPass
Lead: H KEast plays H 6 
D A K 8 6 4 3
5 D SouthC K Q 5 4 3You win the H A (another brilliance)

What next? A. Lead the S J
B. Win D A-K, C A-K-Q
C. Win D A, C A-K, ruff C 4
D. Win C A-K, ruff C 4



Top Fifteen Ruff-Cut Diamonds

Problem 1

West found a great lead, and all you can be sure of are 10 tricks (five diamonds, two aces and three ruffs). If the spade finesse loses, you’ll be sunk by another trump lead.

The proper play is to win the D K and lead your singleton club. If a second trump is led, win in dummy and ruff a club; cash the H A; ruff a heart; ruff a club, and ruff a heart. If clubs split 4-3 (all followed) one more ruff establishes the fifth club as your 11th trick. Otherwise, you must rely on the spade finesse.

West held: S K-10-9-3 H J-10-5-4 D J-10 C A-J-10

Problem 2

What pretty diamonds! With 10 solid tricks, it is tempting to lead a heart toward dummy. If West has H A-Q (or one honor and you guess right), your problems are over; but otherwise you will need a 3-3 spade break, which is odds-against.

A much better play is to cash both top spades immediately (low to the ace then low to the king). Barring a singleton spade, you can claim! Just give the opponents a spade, then you can ruff your fourth spade with the D K.

West held: S Q-10-9-5 H 9-8-7-3 D 2 C K-Q-10-9

Problem 3

This delicate contract needs a 3-2 trump split and may need 3-3 clubs as well. Ruffing a club in dummy will improve your chances, as the defender who ruffs or overruffs may do so with his natural trump trick.

Alas, if you start clubs immediately, you will lose two club ruffs. (Whoever ruffs can put his partner in with a spade for another club lead.) The solution is to lead your spade at trick two — a scissors coup to cut the enemy communication. Then your club ruff will succeed.

West held: S A-10-8-7 H K-Q-8 D Q-9 C J-9-7-6

Quiz 7J74 MainTop Fifteen Ruff-Cut Diamonds

© 2004 Richard Pavlicek