Quiz 7J70 Main

Holiday Grand Adventure

 by Richard Pavlicek

Planning a grand time for the holidays? Here’s your chance for a head start with three grands.
Can you find the only play to guarantee 13 tricks against any distribution?

Problem 1

Total pointsS Q 10 8 3 2WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH Q 10 8 7 6 52 C
D 102 HDblPass3 D
C 4Pass3 SPass7 D
Table PassPassPass
Lead: H KEast pitches C 5 
S A K 4
D A K Q J 8 7 6
7 D SouthC A K 2Wow! East has no hearts either, as you ruff

What next? A. Win D A-K-Q-J
B. Win D 10, ruff H, D A-K-Q-J
C. Win C A, ruff C 2, win S A
D. Win C A, ruff C 2, ruff H

Problem 2

Total pointsSWestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH K Q 91 H
D A Q J 9 8 3 21 S2 DPass2 H
C A 3 2Pass2 SPass3 H
Table Pass4 S1Pass5 D
Lead: C KEast plays C 5 Pass7 HAll Pass
 1. spade void
S K 5 4 3 2
H A J 6 5 4 3 2
7 H SouthCYou win the C A and must pitch from your hand

Your play? A. Pitch S 2, win H K
B. Pitch S 2, win H J
C. Pitch D K, ruff D 2 high
D. Pitch D K, ruff D 2 low

Problem 3

Total pointsS K Q J 5WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH A 4 3 2Pass1 S
D 6 3 2Pass2 NTPass3 C
C K QPass3 SPass4 D
Table Pass4 NTPass5 H
Lead: S 8East pitches C 2 Pass5 NTPass6 D
 Pass7 SAll Pass
S A 10 9 3 2
7 S SouthC A 9 7 5 3You win the S K and must choose a spade from your hand

Your play? A. Play S 9, ruff H 2 high
B. Play S 9, ruff H 2 low
C. Play S 2, ruff H 2 high
D. Play S 2, ruff H 2 low



Top Holiday Grand Adventure

Problem 1

East’s show-out on the first trick portends the bad distribution ahead. Do you draw trumps and bank on a fourth spade trick? Or do you ruff a club in dummy?

An expert does neither. Ruff the lead; cross to the D 10; ruff a heart and draw trumps (East started with all five) pitching three hearts and a spade. When West shows out on the S A-K (the only problem), cross to the S Q. Since West must hold the H A, and East must hold the S J, your C 2 will win the last trick!

West held: S 7 H A-K-J-9-4-3-2 DC 10-9-7-6-3

Problem 2

This one looks easy, but remember Murphy’s Law: If something can go wrong, it will — especially in Richard’s quizzes.

Only one sequence of plays will ensure success: Win the C A and pitch the D K! Next ruff a diamond high and lead a heart to the queen. The only problem arises if West is void in diamonds and has all three trumps; then ruff another diamond high, and draw West’s trumps with the proven finesse. The remaining diamonds provide five discards.

West held: S A-J-9-8-6 H 10-8-7 DC K-Q-J-9-4

Problem 3

What could be simpler than this? Well, think again. Only the finest declarer would succeed when East shows out on the first trick.

The key play is to win the spade lead in dummy and unblock the nine (or 10). Then ruff a heart high, and lead a low spade. If West splits his 7-6, win high (else win the five) and ruff another heart high. Finally, lead your last spade, finessing West and drawing trumps. After cashing the H A and unblocking the C K-Q, you have 13 cold tricks.

West held: S 8-7-6-4 H K-J-9-7-5 D 10-9-7-5 C

Quiz 7J70 MainTop Holiday Grand Adventure

© 2003 Richard Pavlicek