Quiz 7J42 Main

Which Suit First?

 by Richard Pavlicek

As South, can you find the best play in these 4 H contracts? Decide whether you will draw trumps
immediately (assume a 3-1 break) and which side suit you will lead first.

Problem 1

IMPsS A 10 9 8WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH Q 4 3 21 H
D J 4 32 D2 HPass4 H
C 4 3PassPassPass
Lead: D KEast plays D 6 
H A K 7 6 5
D A 2
4 H SouthC K 10 9 6You win the D A (West has one trump)

What next? A. Win H Q-K-A, run S Q
B. Win H Q-K-A, lead D 2
C. Run the S Q
D. Lead the D 2

Problem 2

IMPsS A 10 3WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH Q 4 3 2PassPass1 H
D 5 4 3Pass2 HPass2 NT
C K 4 3Pass4 HPassPass
Table Pass
Lead: H JEast plays H 8 
S K 4 2
H A K 7 6 5
D Q 6
4 H SouthC A 8 2

Your play? A. Win H A-K-Q, lead S 3
B. Win H A-K-Q, lead D 3
C. Win H A-K-Q, lead C 3
D. Win H A, lead D Q

Problem 3

IMPsS A 10 7 2WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH Q 4 3 21 H
D 8 5 4 3Pass3 H1Pass4 H1
C QPassPassPass
Lead: C AEast plays C 4 1. overbids but you need the challenge
S K 9 8
H A K 7 6 5
D 6 2
4 H SouthC K 3 2West continues C J (East plays C 5)

Your play? A. Pitch S, win C K, H A-K-Q
B. Pitch S, win C K, lead D 6
C. Pitch D, win C K, H A-K-Q
D. Pitch D, win C K, lead S 9



Top Which Suit First?

Problem 1

The obvious danger is when East has the S K (the finesse loses) and West has the C A. You would then lose four tricks as soon as East gains the lead. Fortunately, you can prevent this from happening.

Win the D A, draw trumps ending in your hand, and lead a diamond. West is marked for the queen, so assume he wins it. If he returns a spade, win the ace; pitch your last spade on the D J and lead the S 10 for a ruffing finesse (pitch a club if East plays low). If it loses to West, you are safe with any return.

West held: S 4-3-2 H 8 D K-Q-10-9-8-7 C A-J-7

Problem 2

Chances are grim. You have nine easy tricks but no obvious way to make another. Barring a miracle in spades (e.g., Q-J doubleton) the only realistic hope is an elimination play hoping to force an opponent to give you a ruff and discard.

Draw trumps ending in dummy, and lead a diamond. Assume a club is returned (nothing matters); win the ace and lose another diamond; next win the C K and ruff the last diamond. Finally, cash the S K-A and exit with a spade. Guess what? It’s your lucky day!

West held: S Q-J-8-5 H J-10-9 D K-8-7-2 C J-6

Problem 3

Once again, prospects are bleak. If you lead spades, you will almost surely have to lose a spade; then you’ll be set immediately. The best chance is to develop a squeeze.

Pitch a spade from dummy as you win the C K and lead a diamond. Your plan is to ruff one diamond, ruff your last club, and lead all your trumps to reach this ending: S A-7 D 8 opposite S K-9-8. If only one person can protect spades and diamonds, you will win the rest.

Bridge is an easy game. Just lead diamonds on every hand (hehe).

West held: S J-4 H J-9-8 D A-J-7 C A-J-10-9-8

Quiz 7J42 MainTop Which Suit First?

© 2004 Richard Pavlicek