I was East on this deal from OKbridge, the premier online bridge club, and watched my opponents bid merrily to a slam. I got to make one peep — a double of the 4 cue-bid to request that lead — so my partner dutifully led a spade. Observe that with any other lead 6 is easily made without the spade finesse by establishing dummy’s fourth club.
Declarer knew I held the K, so he tried finessing the 10 to no avail as I won the jack. I exited safely with a trump and declarer drew a second round. Next came the K, A and a diamond ruff; then a low club to the jack. Two more trumps were led, throwing a club from dummy, and the A was cashed.
At this point North remained with the A-Q and the Q; I held the K-8 and the K. Declarer led his last trump, throwing the Q from dummy as I threw the K. Whew! My partner’s 9 saved the day, so there was no squeeze; down one. Curiously, the contract can and should be made. Do you see how?
Knowing that the K was offside from my double, declarer should win the ace at trick one. Draw trumps, ruff out the diamond, and finesse the J as before. Next lead all the remaining trumps, coming down to the Q and Q-7 in dummy. If East keeps K-10, declarer can exit with a spade for an endplay; and if East blanks the K, it will drop under the ace.
© 1999 Richard Pavlicek