Quiz 7H78 Main

Sparkling In Diamonds

 by Richard Pavlicek

Does your declarer play sparkle?
Can you make these contracts on a squeeze play?

Problem 1

IMPsS 2WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH 9 4 31 D
D K Q J 10 31 S3 D3 HPass
C A 5 4 3Pass5 DPassPass
Table Pass
Lead: S KEast plays S 10 
S 9 8 3
H A 2
D A 9 8 7 6
5 D SouthC K 10 2West shifts to H Q (East plays H 8)

Your play? A. Win H A, draw trumps, C 3 to 10
B. Win H A, ruff S with D K, D 3 to nine
C. Win H A, lead H 2
D. Duck the H Q

Problem 2

IMPsS K 6 5WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH 9 6 5 4 32 C
D KDblPassPass2 D
C 6 5 4 3Pass2 HPass2 S
Table Pass3 SPass4 D
Lead: C KEast plays C 7 Pass5 DPass6 D
 All Pass
S A Q 4 3
D A Q J 10 9 8
6 D SouthC A 2Trumps split 4-2

Your play? A. Win C A, D A-Q-J-10, lead C 2
B. Win C A, H A, D K, ruff H
C. Win C A, lead C 2
D. Duck the first trick

Problem 3

IMPsS A 5 4 3WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH A 9 41 NTPass2 D
D J 10 9 8Pass2 HPass3 D
C A KPass3 SPass5 NT
Table Pass7 D1All Pass
Lead: S J 
 1. Overbid but 6 D is too easy
H K 10 8 3 2
D A K Q 7
7 D SouthC J 6 5Trumps split 3-2

Your play? A. Win S K, D A-K-Q, H A
B. Win S K, D A-K, D J, ruff S
C. Win S K, D A, D J, ruff S
D. Win S K, C A-K, S A



Top Sparkling In Diamonds

Problem 1

You have 8 top tricks and can ruff two spades in dummy for 10. The 11th must come from a miracle in clubs or a club-heart squeeze. The key play is to duck the H Q, which rectifies the count. Assume West continues with the H J.

Ruff a spade high; cash the D Q; lead the D J to your ace; ruff your last spade high; then lead the D 3 to your nine. Cash your last two diamonds, discarding clubs from dummy. East will be squeezed on the last trump.

East held: S Q-10-6 H K-10-8-7-6-5 D 2 C Q-J-9

Problem 2

You have 11 top tricks and the 12th must come from a 3-3 spade break or a squeeze. The best chance for a squeeze is if one opponent (West given the auction) is at least 4-4 in the black suits. Win the C A and return a club (cashing the H A first is also OK). Assume East wins the club and returns a spade (best).

Win the S A in hand; cross to the D K and ruff a club. This is the key play to isolate your club threat so only one player can stop it. Next lead all your trumps and the H A, and West will be squeezed.

West held: S J-8-7-2 H J-8-2 D 5-2 C K-Q-10-8

Problem 3

You have 10 top tricks and can ruff two spades in your hand to get 12. Your 13th trick might come from a lucky heart layout, the C Q falling, or a heart-club squeeze. You must time the play carefully.

Win the S K, cash the D A and lead your low diamond to dummy; ruff a spade (there is no need to risk cashing S A); cross to the C A; ruff a spade; then cross to the C K. Cash dummy’s last two trumps and the S A, discarding hearts from your hand. West will be squeezed.

West held: S J-10-9-6 H Q-7-5 D 5-2 C Q-9-8-2

Quiz 7H78 MainTop Sparkling In Diamonds

© 1997 Richard Pavlicek