This deal occurred on OKbridge, the online bridge server where you play against real people using your personal computer and a modem. I was East, in Fort Lauderdale, and my son Rich was West, in Chicago. Our opponents were both experts.
North had an awkward hand to bid and correctly chose a simple one-bid. South eked out a response (to his later regret) and the auction snowballed into game. Three notrump is not a terrible contract, and it would make on a good day. This was not a good day.
Rich led from his solid heart sequence, and I played the king (the proper signal from K-Q). Declarer cashed the A-K and led the J, which I ducked to hold him to three club tricks (Rich discarded a heart and a spade). Now declarer led the K which I also ducked since I didnt want to be on lead.
Getting desperate, declarer next led the Q to my ace. I shifted to the 4; two, queen, ace. Hoping to smother the 9, declarer next led the 10 and Rich perforce won the jack. Rich returned the 8 to the six, nine, and Souths king.
At this point there were four cards left, and I held the top card in all four suits ( J, Q, 9 and Q). Amazing! Its probably not a first, but I can never recall a bridge deal where a defender won the last four tricks in four different suits.
© 1997 Richard Pavlicek