Quiz 7H26 Main

Four Spades For Sure

 by Richard Pavlicek

As South, assume you are declarer in 4 S on each deal.
Can you find the surefire play to guarantee making your contract?

Problem 1

Total pointsS A K 9 5WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH K 6 41 CPass1 S
D A Q 9Pass4 SPassPass
C K 9 2Pass
Lead: C QEast plays C 3 
S Q J 10 8 7 6
H 5 3 2
D 4 3
4 S SouthC A 4

Your play? A. Win C A, S A-K-Q, H 2 to king
B. Win C A, S A-K-Q, D 3 to queen
C. Win C A, S A-K-Q, D 3 to nine
D. Win C A, S A-K-Q, C 4 to king

Problem 2

Total pointsS A 3 2WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH1 S
D 9 8 6 5 4Pass2 CPass2 H
C A K J 10 4Pass3 SPass4 S
Table PassPassPass
Lead: S 9East plays S 6 
S K Q J 10 4
H A 8 5 4 3
D 2
4 S SouthC 3 2

Your play? A. Win S 10, ruff heart high
B. Win S 10, ruff heart low
C. Win S 10, lead D 2
D. Win S 10, finesse C J

Problem 3

Total pointsS K 10 8 7 4WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH A Q J 24 S
D 5 4 3PassPassPass
Lead: C A 
S A Q J 9 6 5 3 2
H 6 4
D K 7 2
4 S SouthC

Your play? A. Ruff, finesse H Q
B. Ruff, win S K, D 3 to king
C. Pitch a heart
D. Pitch a diamond



Top Four Spades For Sure

Problem 1

You have 9 top tricks, and there is only one way to be sure of 10. Win the C A and draw the missing trumps (three rounds if necessary). Lead a club to the king and ruff the last club in your hand.

Next lead a diamond and finesse the nine (unless West plays the 10 or jack, then finesse the queen). When East wins this trick he will be endplayed: A heart lead allows you to win the H K; a diamond lead gives you a free finesse; or a club lead allows you to discard a heart and ruff in dummy.

Problem 2

A number of plays might succeed in practice, but there is only one surefire technique. Win the spade lead in hand and immediately ruff a heart with the S A (do not cash the H A). Lead dummy’s last spade to your hand and draw all the enemy trumps.

Next lead a club and finesse the jack. If this loses you will have 10 guaranteed tricks: five spades, the H A, a heart ruff, and three clubs. Note: If the club finesse works, do not repeat it (a clever East player might duck with the queen).

Problem 3

Did you notice you have all 13 trumps? Even so, you are in danger of going down if the heart finesse loses and a diamond is returned through your king.

The lifetime guarantee: Discard a heart at trick one. West’s only safe return is a heart, but now you can hop up with dummy’s ace and lead the H Q for a ruffing finesse (if East does not produce the king, discard a diamond). Even if West wins the H K, your D K cannot be led through and dummy’s H J will be established for a discard.

Quiz 7H26 MainTop Four Spades For Sure

© 1994 Richard Pavlicek