Quiz 7H20 Main

The Holdup Play?

 by Richard Pavlicek

As South, you are declarer in 3 NT on each deal with no enemy bidding.
Decide if you will use the holdup play, and on which round you will win your ace.

Problem 1

IMPsS Q J 5WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH 6 21 NT
D 8 5 3 2Pass3 NTPassPass
C A Q J 4Pass
Lead: H 3East plays H Q 
S A K 10 4
H A 8 5 4
D A 4
3 NT SouthC 10 9 3

Your play? A. Win H A
B. Duck once
C. Duck twice
D. Duck three times

Problem 2

IMPsS 4 3 2WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH K 7 6 21 NT
D Q J 10Pass3 NTPassPass
C A J 4Pass
Lead: S 6East plays S K 
S A 10 8
H A 4 3
D A 7 3 2
3 NT SouthC K Q 9

Your play? A. Win S A, cash D A
B. Win S A, lead C 9
C. Duck once
D. Duck twice

Problem 3

IMPsS 3 2WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH A 41 NT
D A 8 7 5 4 3Pass3 NTPassPass
C 9 7 6Pass
Lead: S QEast plays S 7 
S A 8 6
H K 6 3 2
3 NT SouthC A K 5 3

Your play? A. Win S A, lead D Q (win West’s D K)
B. Win S A, lead D Q (duck West’s D K)
C. Duck once
D. Duck twice



Top The Holdup Play?

Problem 1

Do not hold up. West’s lead of the H 3 indicates only a four-card suit (with five he would lead his fourth-best card) in which case your contract is assured by winning the H A and taking the club finesse. Even if the finesse loses, the opponents can take only four tricks (one club and three hearts).

The danger in holding up is that East might shift to a diamond — especially attractive for East if he has the C K as an entry. You cannot afford an attack on two fronts, so take your H A immediately.

Problem 2

Do not hold up. The purpose of a holdup is to deprive the player with the long suit of an entry. In this case you are obliged to try the diamond finesse which, if it loses, will give West an entry anyway. Winning the first spade lead may block the run of the spade suit.

West in fact has the D K and his spades are S Q-9-7-6-5, and East has S K-J doubleton. By winning the S A, crossing to dummy and taking the diamond finesse, you will succeed. Notice what would happen if you held up.

Problem 3

Do not hold up. (You did notice the question mark in the quiz title, didn’t you?) Your best chance to make this contract is to set up the diamond suit and hope the enemy spades break 4-4. Win the S A and lead the D Q — if West covers, you must let him win the trick.

The danger in ducking the first trick is a heart shift — not unlikely since the H A is a crucial entry to dummy’s long suit. You would win the H K first, of course; but when you lose to the D K, another heart lead would set you. Try it!

Quiz 7H20 MainTop The Holdup Play?

© 1993 Richard Pavlicek