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Bridge Teaching Material

 by Richard Pavlicek

Richard Pavlicek has taught bridge since 1972, over which time he has created and refined a huge resource to teach students of all levels. All material is handsomely typeset and available by license only to competent bridge teachers. If this might interest you, read on.

Alert! If your interest is casual, check out this free Beginner Bridge Teaching package.

Pavlicek Methods

Before outlining the material, it would be wise to explain the methods. General approach is Standard American, including strong notrumps, five-card majors and weak two-bids. For an insight, including controversial issues, read Bidding Philosophy. Another matter of controversy is point count, which Richard studied in great depth to devise a method that is both accurate and simple. See Hand Evaluation.

The Pavlicek methods also emphasize the importance of accurate card play, both as declarer and defender. Bidding ideas may change over time, but card play will always be the same. Learning the right way will benefit you for life. One of Richard’s most ardent philosophies is to plan all contracts by counting winners. Read Planning the Play for an insight.

The Material

Bridge teaching material consists of 743 works, comprising 1426 pages and 8446 deals, all professionally typeset for exact printing on any modern printer. About 200 works also have cartoon artwork to add humor to the teaching process. Material is divided into four levels, plus miscellany relevant to all. Clicking on each link in the table below will bring up a complete index of all works.

1. Beginner95170902
2. Intermediate1762401470
3. Advanced Bidding2424293821
4. Advanced Play1893932104
Cross-reference byLessonsExercisesPractice

Works are prepared in six formats: PDF master version, PDF quiz version (answers blank), HTML (colorful browser viewing), RBN (Richard's Bridge Notation), PBN (Portable Bridge Notation) and LIN (Bridge Base Online) — the last two only for works containing full deals.

Sample Works

The above index shows what is included but does not show the actual works. A small sampling of 15 works is shown below. Click on Title for PDF master, Type for PDF quiz, or Layout for HTML. For data formats click on Number for RBN, Pages for PBN, or Deals for LIN.

Works with this color background have cartoon artwork

1A17Opening One-BidsExerciseOpening bid112
1E41Planning the PlayExerciseDeclarer play 313
1F01Bidding Review IPracticeDeal summary28
1T41Point Count, Suit ResponsesLesson/quizEval & 1 call612
2C41Points To PonderExerciseEval & 2 calls112
2N23It’s Your Play!ExerciseDeclarer play 919
2P00Finessing TechniqueLessonPlay lesson18
3G83Doubled In SpadesExerciseBridge movie11
3K29Weak-Two AuctionsExerciseBidding E-W112
3R00Notrump Slam BiddingLessonBidding lesson213
4G41Lead On, MacDuffExerciseOpening lead112
4H53Beat Four Hearts!ExerciseDefensive play 616
4K93When Partner SwitchesExerciseSuit query E-W112
4W93I’ve Got You Covered!ExerciseSecond hand E-W212
6C47Fun with SqueezesExerciseDeclarer play 616

All exercises also include Boxed Answers

How To Obtain

Bridge teaching material by Richard Pavlicek is licensed for a one-time fee of $2000, which allows lifetime commercial use in your bridge teaching. Some restrictions apply (see Purchase Agreement). To order:

1. Print the Purchase Agreement. Fill it out and sign it.
2. Include your check for $2000.00 payable to Richard Pavlicek.
3. Mail to: Richard Pavlicek, 1050 NW 21 Street, Fort Lauderdale FL 33311.

Upon receipt, Richard will e-mail you instructions to download the material.
You will not be disappointed. For further information contact Richard.

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© 2024 Richard Pavlicek