Main RPLK Index

Recommended Links

 by Richard Pavlicek

There are many hundreds of bridge sites on the web. Listed below are the few that, in my opinion, have outstanding content or provide an excellent service. Due to my own limitations, only English-language sites are included.
English Bridge archive The Bridge World
Newspaper Columns
Frank Stewart (Baron Barclay) Bobby Wolff (2-week delay)
Jeff Goldsmith
Thomas Andrews
Larry Cohen
Karen Walker
Jeff Tang
Migry Zur Campanile
John Swanson
Problems & Quizzes
Eddie Kantar
Jeff Goldsmith
Andrew van der Windt
Brad Bart
Puzzles & Novelty
Hugh Darwen
Thomas Andrews
Eddie Kantar
Franco Baseggio
Systems & Conventions
Chris Ryall (weak two-bids) David Stevenson (1 NT defense)
Bidding Panels
District 8 Advocate Australian Bridge Brad Bart (Vancouver BC)
Online Play
Bridge Base Online
American Contract Bridge League U.S. Bridge Federation World Bridge Federation
Karen Walker (via
Laws of Duplicate Bridge (2016) Laws of Rubber Bridge (2014)
Great Bridge Links
Bridge Daily Bulletins
Bridge Village in India

To recommend another site, please advise and I will consider it. E-mail Richard

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© 2024 Richard Pavlicek