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Counting at Bridge

 by Richard Pavlicek

Success at bridge requires counting to 13 for various reasons:
13 cards in each suit; 13 cards in each hand; 13 tricks on each deal.
Counting mentally and quickly is the key to becoming an expert.
Count! Count! Count! And you will win!

Bridge and Scrabble

Research proves that the game of Scrabble is the key to being a top bridge player.
Your name could make you a big winner — or a big loser — in counting to 13.
Let’s look at some examples:

Clearly off: W+E+N+J+I+A = 16, or three too many.
Further, the excess shows that Wenjia is an overbidder.
Oh well, but what if your name is:

Slightly better: K+A+T+H+Y = 15, but still too many.
Kathy is another overbidder, but not quite as wild.
There must be a better name, so how about:

Oh darn! Now we’re too low: C+I+N+D+Y = 11.
Cindy can’t count either. Is she an underbidder?
When will people ever learn!

Enter the King

But of course. We all knew that!

Dedicated to a special friendship

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Copywright 1903 Orville & Wilbur Pavlicek
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