Having retired from politics, Willy Clipton moved back to his home state — and where else but Hot Springs with his mistress Monique Wewinsky in tow. There he bought fancy villa, where they play money bridge almost every day. Despite a well-oiled partnership, they pretend to be newly acquainted to hustle unsuspecting tourists into set games.
When questioned about this, Willy is smooth and cunning. His Arkansas smile relaxes everyone, as he renders jazzy arpeggios on the sax. If pressed further he will swear, “I have never played bridge with that woman, Miss Wewinsky.” This usually satisfies his victims, and the fleecing begins.
Now it’s your turn to play some bridge against the insidious pair. Hold on to your wallet, and don’t be distracted by Monique’s hanky-panky: When she is dummy she will loosen her blouse to try to throw off your defense.
Whether by fate or salacious design, Willy becomes declarer on the first six deals. As West, you have made your opening lead and either win that trick or regain the lead at trick two. Select your next lead from the options listed. Each option will be rated on a 1-to-10 scale per my judgment.
Bidding is standard (unless noted), and you use standard leads and signals.For a reference see Standard American Bridge. Assume all players are experts.
In June 2006 these six problems were presented as a contest with 952 entrants from 111 locations. The contest is closed, but you can still quiz yourself and find your score immediately. If you’re lucky, you might even win a valuable prize.*
*Prizes include a two-week stay at the Hot Springs Arlington Resort with a private masseuse. Winners must be at least 10 yearsbeyond puberty and still virgins. Employees of PavCo Escort Scams are ineligible. Void where prohibited by law or not.
Are you ready to defend? Slick Willy didn’t get his nickname for nothing, so watch out.
Your next lead? 10 4 9 7 K 10
Your next lead? 5 7 A 2 10 3
Your next lead? 2 J J 4 K J
Your next lead? 9 3 10 4 J 5
Your next lead? 7 4 K 3 J 5
Your next lead? K 5 2 Q J 7
Click to see how you did
Any similarity to real persons is purely intentional.© 2006 Richard Pavlicek