Alcatraz! Isolated in the cold, turbulent waters of San Francisco Bay, the infamous prison now sleeps. From 1934 to 1962, “The Rock” was a Federal Penitentiary, housing the most notorious criminals, such as Al Capone and “Machine Gun” Kelly. Heralded as “inescapable,” the daring epithet was challenged many times, the bloodiest attempt being in 1946, which was depicted in the 1987 film Six Against The Rock.
Apparently it proved to be true, as no one ever escaped — at least according to official records. Bodies of many who tried, however, were never recovered but only declared dead, presumably from drowning. This certainly gives pause to wonder if any of them actually made it.
Now it’s your turn to escape from The Rock. Plan your moves carefully on these six problems, or you may be declared dead. Choose your play from the options listed, each of which will be rated on a 1-to-10 scale per my judgment.
Bidding is standard (unless noted). Opponents use standard leads and signals.For a reference see Standard American Bridge. Assume all players are experts.
In April 2006 these six problems were presented as a contest with 1056 entrants from 115 locations. The contest is closed, but you can still quiz yourself and find your score immediately. If you’re lucky, you might even win a valuable prize.*
*Prizes include a four-star luxury cell at nearby San Quentin (still open for business) complete with semiprivate toilet and cell phone.Winners must be at least 18 years of age with a felony record. Employees of PavCo Mafia Enterprises are ineligible.
Oh no! Your escape attempt has been detected, and the sirens are blaring.
There’s only one chance: Hit the water and swim!
Your play?A. Win 9, lead spade to queenB. Win 9, lead spade to nineC. Win 9, A, K, ruff club highD. Win 10, 9, lead spade to queenE. Win 10, lead diamond to queenF. Win 10, lead diamond to nine
East continues K-A (West plays 7-3) and you ruff low. What next?A. Win A, K, lead spadeB. Win A, K, A-K, ruff heartC. Win A, lead J and duck queenD. Finesse the JE. Win A-K, ruff heartF. Win A-K, lead diamond
East returns 10, then 8, as you hold up until the third round.What do you pitch from dummy, and what next?A. Pitch 10, win AB. Pitch 10, win K, finesse QC. Pitch 10, win K, run 10D. Pitch 2, run 9E. Pitch 2, lead spade to jackF. Pitch 2, lead spade to eight
After winning the A, what next?A. Lead the QB. Lead 7 to the kingC. Win K, lead heart to queenD. Win K, lead heart to 10E. Lead 2 to the kingF. Lead 2 to the jack
You play low from dummy and ruff in hand. What next?A. Duck a spadeB. Win A-K-J-10, duck spadeC. Win A, all trumpsD. Win Q, lead spade to jackE. Win Q, ruff heart, win all trumpsF. Win Q, ruff heart, win A-K-J, A-K
Note: Trumps split 2-1.
Your play?A. Win A, lead 5 and pitch heartB. Win A, ruff spade, win all trumpsC. Win A, four trumps, duck heartD. Win A, five trumps, duck heartE. Win A, all trumpsF. Duck the first trick
Note: All follow to the first trump lead.
Click to see how you did
Acknowledgments to the 1987 film by Koch Vision Studios© 2006 Richard Pavlicek