If there’s somethin’ strange in the neighborhood… Who ya gonna call?
Wanna set their game but don’t see how you could… Who ya gonna call?
You damn sure got that right! Alas, the Gamebusters are out servicing another call and won’t be back until next month. This extermination job is yours! Grab your proton pack, activate the sensors, and see if you can bust these six games. But be careful! You’re up against some powerful forces, and one false step could get you slimed.
As West, your opening lead is won by South, and you face a crucial decision at trick two. Will you win or duck? And if you win, what will you lead next? (Assume partner follows suit with the five if it matters.) Choose your defense from the options listed, which will be rated on a 1-to-10 scale per my judgment.
Bidding is standard (unless noted), and you use standard leads and signals.For a reference see Standard American Bridge. Assume all players are experts.
In April 2005 these six problems were presented as a contest with 964 entrants from 110 locations around the world. The contest is closed, but you can still quiz yourself and find your score immediately. If you’re lucky, you might even win a valuable prize.*
*Prizes include three Columbia-84 gyromagnetosynthesizers, each with a high-yield proton cartridge. Winners must be at least18 years of age and provide proof of extrasensory conception. Employees of PavCo Paranormal Institute are ineligible.
Watch out! Up on the ceiling! Ooh… that was close. You almost got slimed before you started.
Your defense?A. Play the 3B. Play the JC. Win K, lead KD. Win K, lead JE. Win K, lead 8F. Win K, lead 5
Your defense?A. Play the 4B. Play the JC. Win A, lead JD. Win A, lead JE. Win A, lead 2F. Win A, lead 4
Your defense?A. Play the 3B. Play the JC. Win A, lead KD. Win A, lead 10E. Win A, lead QF. Win A, lead 9
Your defense?A. Play the 6B. Play the JC. Win K, lead 2D. Win K, Q, lead JE. Win K, Q, lead QF. Win K, Q, lead 4
Your defense?A. Play the 2B. Play the 9C. Win Q, lead JD. Win Q, lead QE. Win Q, lead 5F. Win Q, lead 5
Your defense?A. Play the 4B. Play the QC. Win A, lead QD. Win A, lead 4E. Win A, lead QF. Win A, lead 6
Click to see how you did
Acknowledgments to Ghostbusters (1984) and Columbia Pictures© 2005 Richard Pavlicek