Tension filled the musty room as Professor Moriarty threw six decks of playing cards onto the large wooden table. “Sit!” he demanded. “I’m in a sporting mood. We’ll play six hands of bridge, and if you go plus on each one, I will set you free.”
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson had been investigating the disappearance of the Crown Emerald from Windsor Castle, and early that morning were seized by Moriarty’s henchmen. They were now being held captive in the basement of the archvillain’s home. “And if we don’t?” Holmes inquired.
“That’s easy, Mr. Holmes. You and your bumbling friend will be my guests for lunch. I’ve installed a brand new piranha tank, and the August heat is making the little buggers voracious. Anyone for bridge?”
“Hardly seems fair,” grumbled Watson. “I’ve only played bridge a few times. Can we make it gin rummy?”
“Come, Watson, come! The game is afoot,” instructed Holmes, then he whispered in his friend’s ear, “Just bid only minor suits or double with a good hand. Try to make yourself dummy — that shouldn’t be hard.”
“Then let’s begin.” Moriarty grinned. “The cards are already shuffled, and I’ll be the dealer on each hand. Colonel Moran? I know you’re not a bridge player, but you’ll be my partner and just pass. Holmes? You sit on my right.” As fate (or the Professor’s evil design) would have it, Holmes became declarer on each deal.
In August 2003 these six problems were presented as a contest, which had 838 entrants from 114 locations. The contest is now closed, but you can still challenge yourself and find your score immediately. As South on each problem, simply choose your play from options A-F. Each option is rated on a 1-to-10 scale per my judgment.
Assume West (Moriarty) is an expert using standard bidding and leads. For a referencesee Standard American Bridge. Do not draw any inferences from East (Moran) who alwayspasses and knows little about card play except to follow suit.
See if you can match your play with Sherlock Holmes. The only prize this month will be staying out of the piranha tank. Scoring is not IMPs (or anything else you’ve ever heard of) but simply plus or fishfood. I hope you get the picture.
Your play?A. Win A, lead 10 to kingB. Win A, run the 10C. Win A, K (both follow), Q-JD. Win A, K (both follow), all diamondsE. Win A, lead the JF. Duck the first trick
Your play?A. Win A, AB. Win A, lead 2 to queenC. Win A, lead 2 and finesse 10D. Win K, AE. Win K, finesse QF. Win K, lead 5 to king
After winning the A, what next?A. Lead the KB. Lead the 10C. Lead the 2D. Lead the QE. Lead J to queenF. Lead 4 to 10
East plays the Q if you play dummy’s jack; else the 4. Your play?A. Play J, win first roundB. Play J, win second roundC. Play 3, win first round, win KD. Play 3, win first round, lead 2E. Play 3, win second round, win KF. Play 3, win second round, lead 2
West next leads the J (won by the king) as East plays the 3. What now?A. Draw trumps, lead 3B. Draw trumps, lead 5C. Draw trumps, win Q, lead 3D. Draw trumps, win Q, lead 5E. Lead the 3F. Lead the 5
You cash K-Q on which West (void) pitches two hearts. What next?A. Lead 2 to jackB. Lead 2 and duck itC. Lead J (East plays 5) and pitch a spadeD. Ruff heart, draw trumpsE. Lead 3 to ace, draw trumpsF. Lead 3 and finesse nine
Click to see how you did
Credits to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) creator of Sherlock HolmesPhoto is Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce as Holmes and Watson© 2003 Richard Pavlicek