Challenge 7X33  MainAnalyses

Valley of the Kings

Scores by Richard Pavlicek

“Thou who leadeth wrongly upon the Temple of Karnak
shall resurrect declarer with swift wings.”

Sixteen years ago on my visit to Luxor, Egypt, I recall seeing the above warning (translated from hieroglyphs) in the antechamber of Tutankhamen’s tomb. Does this ancient curse reveal the true origin of bridge? Who knows, as I might be mistaken about the whole thing. Maybe I heard it on the Tonight Show from Johnny Carson as “Karnak, the Magnificent.”

This is a defensive-play challenge for all bridge players. On each of the six problems you, West, are the opening leader and begin by leading a king (what else). Then you have to choose your next lead from the choices listed. Each option will be rated on a 1-to-10 scale per my judgment.

Bidding is standard (unless noted), and you use standard leads and signals.
For a reference see Standard American Bridge. Assume all players are experts.

In June of 2003 these problems were presented as a contest, which had 752 entrants from 106 locations. The contest is now closed, but you can still challenge yourself and find your score immediately. If you’re lucky, you might even win a valuable prize.*

*Prizes include a gold sarcophagus and nine tana leaves. Winners must be at least 18 years old and descendants of Princess Ananka.
Employees of PavCo Pyramid Schemes and their immediate family are ineligible.

So what are you waiting for? Get out your shovel and enter the tomb. But watch your footing, and beware the Curse of Karnak!

Problem 1

MatchpointsS J 6 5 3WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH J 4 2YouDummyPartnerDeclarer
D 5 3 21 SPassPassDbl
C A 4 22 DPassPass2 H
S A K 9 8 2TablePassPassPass
H 6
D K Q 9 8
C K 10 8 2 H South

1. WS K34Q

Your next lead? S A S 9 S 2 H 6 D K C 8

Problem 2

MatchpointsS 10 9 6 2WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH A Q 10 9 5YouDummyPartnerDeclarer
D Q 21 C1 HPass2 NT
C 9 3PassPassPass
S A K J 5Table
H K 3 2
D 9 3
C K 10 8 4 2 NT South

1. WS K238

Your next lead? S A S 5 H K H 3 D 9 C 4

Problem 3

MatchpointsS A Q 8WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH J 8 7 4 3YouDummyPartnerDeclarer
D A Q 21 D
C 4 2Pass1 HPass1 NT
S 10 4TablePass2 C1Pass2 NT
H Q 6 2Pass3 NTAll Pass
D J 10 8 7
C A K J 7 3 NT South1. artificial checkback

1. WC K296

Your next lead? S 10 H 2 D J C A C J C 7

Problem 4

MatchpointsS Q J 5 4WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH Q 10 6YouDummyPartnerDeclarer
D Q 5 31 H
C 10 9 5Dbl2 HPass4 H
S A 9 3TablePassPassPass
H 5
D K J 9 4
C K Q 8 6 3 4 H South

1. WC K54J

Your next lead? S A S 3 H 5 D J C Q C 6

Problem 5

MatchpointsS A J 3WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH 8 6 4 2YouDummyPartnerDeclarer
D K 10 71 CDblPass4 S
C A 10 4PassPassPass
S Q 5 4Table
H A K 9 3
D Q 8 5
C Q J 2 4 S South

1. WH K2Q7

Your next lead? S 4 H A H 3 D Q D 5 C 2

Problem 6

MatchpointsS J 7 2WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH A 7 3YouDummyPartnerDeclarer
D 10 3 21 CPass1 S
C A K 8 2Pass1 NTPass3 H
S 9 6 5TablePass3 SPass4 NT
H 8 2Pass5 HPass6 S
D K Q 9 6All Pass
C Q 7 6 5 6 S South

1. WD K245

Your next lead? S 6 H 8 D Q D 9 C Q C 5

 Click to see how you did

Challenge 7X33 MainAnalysesScoresTop Valley of the Kings

© 2003 Richard Pavlicek