Challenge 7X17  MainAnalyses

Have Cards, Will Double

Scores by Richard Pavlicek

Thursday 10 pm: I was scoring up the previous play contest when the doorbell rang. “Western Union!” screamed the young man. A telegram is rare these days, so I opened it with fear and trepidation:

Need assistance in high stakes game [stop]
Regular partner afraid to double [stop]
Losing money to weaker players [stop]
Cost no object. Name your own fee! [stop]
-Walter Weston, San Francisco

I was too busy to take the case myself, but luckily my brother Paladin (famous for hair-trigger doubles) was available, so I rushed him to the airport to catch the 12:30 red-eye to San Francisco.

Monday 9 am: Paladin reported good progress over the weekend and faxed me six problems on defense — all doubled contracts — which I present here as a challenge. As East, you must choose your next lead from the choices offered. Each option is scored on a 1-to-10 scale per my judgment.

Bidding is standard (unless noted), and you use standard leads and signals. For a reference
see Standard American Bridge. Assume all players are experts (despite the telegram).

In February 2003 these problems were presented as a contest, which had 776 entrants from 103 locations. The contest is now closed, but you can still challenge yourself and find your score immediately. If you’re lucky, you might even win a valuable prize* — but be sure to double check your answers, as I might be a double-dealing double-crosser.

*Prizes include a double-action Colt .45 and a Double Eagle coin. Winners must be at least 18 years of age.
Void where prohibited by law and where such prohibitions do not exist.

Problem 1

Total pointsS J 2WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH A 8 6 5 4 2PartnerDummyYouDeclarer
D 4 3Pass2 S
C K J 7DblPassPassPass
TableS K 10 9 8 5
Lead: C 10H 7
D K 10 6 2
2 S× SouthC A 8 3

1. WC 10JA2

Your next lead? S K S 5 H 7 D 2 C 8 C 3

Problem 2

Total pointsS A J 10WestNorthEastSouth
N-S vulH A Q 5 4 3 2PartnerDummyYouDeclarer
D A 8 31 HPass1 NT
C JPass2 NTPass3 NT
TableS K 8 5PassPassDblPass
Lead: S 4H J 10 9 8 6PassPass
D Q 9 7
3 NT× SouthC A 7

1. WS 410K2

Your next lead? S 8 H J D Q D 9 C A C 7

Problem 3

Total pointsS 8 6 5 4 3WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH 10 9 2PartnerDummyYouDeclarer
D 5Pass1 D1 H
C A 7 4 2Dbl2 H3 NT4 H
TableS 10 2PassPassDblPass
Lead: D 2H Q J 8PassPass
D A K Q 10 9 7
4 H× SouthC K J

1. WD 25Q3

Your next lead? S 10 S 2 H Q H 8 D K C K

Problem 4

Total pointsS A K 2WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH 9 8 3PartnerDummyYouDeclarer
D Q1 CDbl2 S1
C A K Q J 5 4Pass4 SDblPass
TableS Q 7 5 3PassPass
Lead: D 3H A Q J 6
D A K J 41. weak
4 S× SouthC 9

1. WD 3QK5

Your next lead? S 3 H A H Q H 6 D A C 9

Problem 5

Total pointsS K 10 7 6WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH K J 5 4PartnerDummyYouDeclarer
D 4 31 D
C A 9 3Pass1 HPass3 NT
TableS Q J 3Pass4 NTPass6 D
Lead: H 6H A Q 10 8 2PassPassDblAll Pass
D 6
6 D× SouthC Q 10 8 2

1. WH 64103

Your next lead? S J H A D 6 C Q C 10 C 2

Problem 6

Total pointsS 9 8 3 2WestNorthEastSouth
E-W vulH 2PartnerDummyYouDeclarer
D A K 7 6 5 31 NT
C J 3Pass2 CPass2 H
TableS A K J 7 6Pass2 NTPass3 NT
Lead: S 5H 8 7 6PassPassDbl1All Pass
D Q 4
3 NT× SouthC K 10 81. asks for spade lead (dummy’s implied suit)

1. WS 52610
2. SS QC 23K

What is your defensive plan?

A. Win all your spades
B. Win two more spades
C. Win S J, lead the H 8
D. Win S J, lead the D Q
E.  Lead the H 8
F.  Lead the D Q

 Click to see how you did

Challenge 7X17 MainAnalysesScoresTop Have Cards, Will Double

Acknowledgments to CBS Television and the 1957-63 series Have Gun, Will Travel
© 2003 Richard Pavlicek