Column 7C85 Main

Timing Is Key to Winning Defense

 by Richard Pavlicek

Today’s deal is constructed but based on an actual tournament deal with a similar characteristic. Three notrump is an overbid — so what else is new? — but hard to fault. North made a sporting takeout double for the unbid suits (spades and clubs), and South felt his hand was worth a jump to game.

East dealsS A 10 9 8WestNorthEastSouth
None vulH K Q1 DPass
D 3 21 HDblPass3 NT
C J 10 9 8 7PassPassPass
S 7 6 5TableS 4 3 2
H J 10 9 8H 7 6 5
D 5 4D A K 8 7 6
C A 6 5 4C K Q
H A 4 3 2
D Q J 10 9
3 NT SouthC 3 2

West led the heart jack, and declarer saw an easy road to his contract: Two diamond tricks could be established to go with seven major-suit winners. The only problem was that East-West might cash their five top tricks (three clubs and two diamonds) before declarer could win his nine tricks. But fortune was smiling; East-West could win only two club tricks because the suit was blocked.

The play was routine. A diamond was lost to East, the heart return was won in dummy, and the remaining high diamond was forced out — nine tricks for declarer. The defense was helpless, and a different opening lead would not have mattered either.

All neat and simple. Perhaps too simple. Something about this deal bothered me, so I looked closer for the underlying truth. It was like the defendant in an old Perry Mason episode; all the evidence points to guilty, but you know he is innocent.

After some deliberation, I found what I was looking for: East-West can defeat three notrump. The winning defense involves no spectacular plays but is difficult to spot, because of its subtle effect on timing. The opening lead must be a spade, after which any attempt by declarer can be foiled. Perry Mason would be proud.

Here is one variation: South wins the spade king and leads a diamond. East wins and cashes both top clubs and the other top diamond (crucial) then exits with a second spade. It appears that declarer now has nine tricks, but there is no way to untangle them with hearts blocked and the reduced communication in spades. Try it.

Column 7C85 MainTop Timing Is Key to Winning Defense

© 1988 Richard Pavlicek