Column 7C54 Main

Floridians Second in Spingold

 by Richard Pavlicek

An all-Florida team marched to near victory in the Spingold Knockout Teams — the grueling, seven-day North American championship event completed a week ago in Baltimore.

Bernie Chazen of Tamarac; Russ Arnold and Michael Seamon of the Miami area; and Tom Mahaffey, Jack Denny and Roy Fox of the St. Petersburg area defeated every team they faced until the final match, in which they suffered an 8-point loss to a team captained by Brian Glubok of New York City. Despite the narrow loss, the Florida squad earned qualification for the 1988 U.S. Team Trials, because the Glubok team included a non-American player and was ineligible.

On today’s deal Bernie Chazen had to reach into his bag of tricks to justify his optimistic bidding. After East’s weak two-heart bid, Chazen, South, might well have passed with only 12 points since his partner, Russ Arnold, had previously passed; but experience has shown that aggressive bidding is so often the winning strategy — hence, the takeout double. North’s cue-bid of three hearts indicated game-going values, South showed his four-card spade suit, and North raised to game.

West dealsS A 10 8 5 2WestNorthEastSouth
Both vulH KPassPass2 HDbl
D 7 5 2Pass3 HPass3 S
C A 8 5 4Pass4 SPassPass
S Q J 3TableS 7Pass
H A 9 6 4H Q J 10 8 7 3
D 10 8D K J 9 4
C 9 7 6 2C K 3
S K 9 6 4
H 5 2
D A Q 6 3
4 S SouthC Q J 10

West led the heart ace and shifted to a club, ducked to the king; then East returned a diamond which South won by finessing the queen. The spade king and ace were cashed, and declarer’s prospects seemed to crumble when East showed out. With a sure trump loser, the only chance to make the contract was to avoid losing a diamond trick — ostensibly impossible. But Chazen saw a glimmer of hope.

The queen and jack of clubs were cashed, a heart was ruffed in dummy, and a diamond was discarded on the club ace. Declarer then led a diamond to the ace (key play) before exiting with a spade to West. Fortunately, West held no more diamonds and the forced heart return allowed declarer to ruff in one hand and discard his diamond loser from the other.

Column 7C54 MainTop Floridians Second in Spingold

© 1987 Richard Pavlicek