Last Sundays column reported on the Polish win in the World Bridge Olympiad in Seattle, in which 54 nations participated. Held concurrently with that event was a Womens Olympiad with 23 countries fielding teams.
It was no surprise when the womens final came down to the U.S. versus Great Britain, a long-standing rivalry. The match was close, but the American team of Kathie Wei, Judi Radin, Jacqui Mitchell, Gail Moss, Betty Ann Kennedy, and Carol Sanders led all the way to bring the trophy back home once again.
Todays deal occurred in an earlier match and features two fine plays by the American women one as a defender; another as declarer.
Gail Moss, West, led the spade jack against the enemy bidding shown (three hearts was a limit raise, and also a slight overbid) and declarer won the queen. The top diamonds were cashed, followed by a diamond ruff to establish the suit, then declarer led a low heart toward dummy.
Instead of winning her queen as many players would, West played low, allowing dummys eight to win the trick. Declarer tried her best by leading a good diamond, but East ruffed and the contract could not be made.
Observe that if West takes the heart queen, the defense is helpless. Declarer can draw trumps ending in dummy and use the good diamonds.
In the replay at the other table, Judi Radin was declarer and demonstrated superior technique. After establishing the diamonds, she first cashed the heart king and then continued with a low heart toward dummy. Now West could not gain by ducking (East would be out of trumps) so the defenders could make only one heart and two club tricks.
© 1984 Richard Pavlicek