As East, answer each question about the defense on each deal.
Partner leads the 4 to your ace, as South follows with the 10.
How many clubs did South begin with?
Who has the K?
Which card do you lead?
Partner leads the 4, won by ace (South plays the 10). The K is led to your ace, as South plays the 10, and partner the two.
How many diamonds did South begin with?
How many hearts?
Partner leads the 2, and the play goes 10, jack, ace. South leads the 10 (partner plays the five) and runs it to your jack.
How many spades?
Partner leads the K, won by Souths ace. South leads the 6 (partner plays the two) to the jack and your ace.
Is it plausible for partner to have the K?
the Q?
Partner leads the 4, dummy plays low, and your jack wins as South follows with the nine.
How many spades did South begin with?
Partner leads the 7 to your ace, as South follows with the five.
© 1994 Richard Pavlicek