As East, determine the shape (SHDC) of the West and South hands, then decide your next lead.
Partner leads the 2 to your nine and Souths king. South leads the 3 (partner plays 7) to the jack and your ace.
Wests shape
Souths shape
What do you lead next?
Partner leads the 4, and the play goes two, nine, ace. South cashes the K-Q (partner follows with the five then the six) and leads the 5 (partner plays the eight) to the jack and your queen.
Partner leads the 3, and your king loses to the ace. South leads the 4 (partner plays the six) to the queen and your ace.
Partner leads the Q, covered by the king and your ace. You return a diamond which South ruffs. South leads the 10 to the ace, then a spade to your king (partner follows up-the-line).
Partner leads the J, dummy plays low, and you win the king as South follows with the two.
Partner leads the 5. You win and return the 6, and Souths king is ruffed with the 4. Partner leads the 5, won by the ace (South plays the nine); then the J is led to your king (partner plays the eight).
© 1994 Richard Pavlicek