As South, answer each question about the play.
The ideal contract is 7 (or realistically, 6 ) but its too late to get there now.
How many top tricks do you have?
Which cards are your threats? (suit order)
On which round do you win the A? (1 2 3)
Will you cash the A-K before running clubs?
West has Q-J-10-8 and the opponents take the first four heart tricks.
On the fourth heart, what will you discard from dummy?
from your hand?
West cashes two hearts and then shifts to the J.
How many tricks can you win easily?
After winning the A, what do you lead next?
How many diamonds do you plan to ruff?
West leads three top clubs (East following up the line) and you ruff small.
Which suit do you plan to ruff?
Which hand will lead the last trump winner?
At trick two West shifts to the 10 and you win with the king.
How many spades do you plan to ruff?
How many hearts do you plan to ruff?
A safer contract would be 6 but on a good day you get a club lead in 6 NT.
On which round do you win the A? (1 2)
Which black suit will you cash first?
© 2014 Richard Pavlicek