As South, assume you are declarer at matchpoint duplicate bridge, with no enemy bidding.
How many top tricks do you have?
How many total tricks if the diamonds run?
How many if both clubs and diamonds run?
On which round do you win the A? (1 2 3)
Assuming 3-2 trumps, how many top tricks?
What is the most tricks you could win?
What is the normal and superior contract?
What is the most tricks that contract could win?
Will you finesse for the queen of spades?
Counting a diamond, how many top tricks?
Which suit offers the only chance to make your bid?
Are your chances Good, Fair or Poor? (G F P)
Which suit will you lead after winning the Q?
Counting two spade ruffs, how many sure tricks?
Which suit offers a chance for an overtrick?
Will you try to establish the long club in dummy?
Which card will you lead after winning the A?
If you finesse the Q, at which trick will it be?
In which contract will most pairs be playing?
Will that contract make if West has the K?
Do you plan to take the club finesse?
Against best defense, can you make an overtrick?
Which spades do you play at trick one?
If your scheme works, how many tricks will you win?
© 1995 Richard Pavlicek