As South, answer each question about the play.
You play low from dummy and the Q wins. Surprisingly, West shifts to the 7 at trick two.
Which diamond do you play from dummy?
East plays the 10 and you win the ace. You next lead a club to the king (both follow) then a club to the ace, on which West pitches a heart.
What is Wests shape?
Do you Finesse for the J or play to Drop it? (F D)
You allow West to win the first two tricks with spade honors, as East (void in spades) pitches two hearts.
How many hearts do you think East began with?
East wins the A and shifts to the 9, which goes to the jack and king. You next lead a heart to the king, on which West pitches a club.
What is Easts shape?
After drawing trumps, which card will you lead?
You capture Easts 9 with your 10. You next lead the K, on which West plays the jack and East the four.
Which opponent will you finesse for the Q?
You capture Easts Q with your ace and lead a spade to the king (both follow). On the next spade East plays the 10.
Do you Finesse for the Q or play to Drop it? (F D)
© 2011 Richard Pavlicek