Fill in the missing North-South calls and answer each question.
Enter calls like this: P 1H 2C 3N 4S 6D
How many top tricks do you have?
How many spades is West likely to hold?
Will you cash the top diamonds right away to discard a heart?
With no enemy bidding, what is the proper way to play the club suit?
Based on the bidding, who do you think has the A?
How will you play clubs in this case? (A B C)
Assuming a normal trump break, how many top tricks do you have?
What is your primary plan in the play?
What is your secondary plan? (A B C)
At trick two West leads the 10. Do you win the king or the ace?
Which card do you lead next?
Based on the bidding, which opponent is more likely to hold the K?
What is your plan in the play?
Will you take the heart finesse?
How many rounds of trump do you intend to lead?
Which will you ruff first: a spade in dummy or a heart in your hand?
© 1996 Richard Pavlicek