Exercise 4V41 Main

A Kingdom for a Finesse

 by Richard Pavlicek

As declarer in 3 NT, how would you play each of these suit holdings to win the maximum number of tricks.
Assume adequate entries in other suits if needed.

1. 3 NTQ J 10 9 4
A 8 7 6 5

What is your play? 
A. Lead the queen and play the ace
B. Lead the queen and finesse
C. Lead the four and finesse

2. 3 NTA J 10 3 2
Q 6 5

What is your play? 
A. Lead low and play the ace
B. Lead low and finesse the jack
C. Lead the queen

3. 3 NTQ J 5 4
A 7 3 2

What is your play? 
A. Win the ace; lead to the queen
B. Lead low to the queen
C. Lead the queen

4. 3 NTQ 7 5 4
A 10 3 2

What is your play? 
A. Win the ace; lead to the queen
B. Lead low to the queen
C. Lead low to the 10


Top A Kingdom for a Finesse

5. 3 NTK J 10 6 4
A 5 3 2

What is your play? 
A. Win the ace and king
B. Win the ace; finesse the jack
C. Win the king; run the jack

6. 3 NTK J 8 3
A 10 5 4

What is your play? 
A. Win the king; finesse the 10
B. Win the ace; finesse the jack
C. Win the ace; lead the 10

7. 3 NTA K J 10 5
3 2

What is your play? 
A. Win the ace and king
B. Win the ace; finesse later
C. Finesse on the first round

8. 3 NTA K J 10 5
4 3 2

What is your play? 
A. Win the ace and king
B. Win the ace; finesse later
C. Finesse on the first round


Top A Kingdom for a Finesse

9. 3 NTK 10 9 4 3
A 5

What is your play? 
A. Win the ace and king
B. Lead the 10 and let it ride
C. Win the ace; finesse the 10

10. 3 NTK 10 5 4 3
A 9

What is your play? 
A. Win the ace and king
B. Lead low and finesse the nine
C. Win the ace; run the nine

11. 3 NTK Q 10 4 3
A 5

What is your play? 
A. Win the top honors
B. Lead the 10 and let it ride
C. Win the ace; finesse the 10

12. 3 NTK Q 5 4 3
A 10

What is your play? 
A. Win the top honors
B. Lead low and finesse the 10
C. Win the ace; run the 10


Top A Kingdom for a Finesse

© 2014 Richard Pavlicek