As South, answer the questions about each contract. Assume E-W only passed (except #5 they bid 4 ).
Assuming the diamond finesse works, how many top tricks do you have?
Which diamonds do you play at trick one?
What is your lead and play at trick two?
How many top tricks do you have?
Which two suits offer the best chance?
Which spades do you play at trick one?
If West wins and shifts to a club, will you win the Ace or King?
Do you win the first heart lead?
What is your first lead and play in spades?
What is your first lead and play in clubs?
How are the enemy clubs most likely to divide?
In that event, how many club tricks can you win with routine play?
What do you play on the second spade lead?
Which diamond do you play from dummy?
It wins. What are your plays at trick two?
Which card do you lead at trick three?
© 2000 Richard Pavlicek