As South, answer each question about the play.
Will you use the holdup play at trick one?
After gaining the lead, what are your plays at the next trick?
And the next?
On which round do you win the A? (1 2)
West had one diamond. What next?
Is Wests lead a Long suit or Short suit? (L S)
Which hearts do you play at trick one?
Which card do you lead at trick two?
Which spades do you play at trick one?
What are your plays at trick two?
The finesse works. Trick three?
Trumps break 3-2. Trick four?
Will you take the club finesse at trick one?
What is your next lead?
After winning the 9, what are your plays at trick two?
Trick three?
Trick four?
Which cards will you discard on dummys last trump and A?
© 2014 Richard Pavlicek